Browsing by Author Adalı, Yasemen

Showing results 1 to 22 of 22
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Can Histopathology of Gastric Tissue Resected in Sleeve Gastrectomy Be Informative About Serum Iron Levels?Adali Y. ; Ertener Ö.; Beşeren H.; Binnetoğlu K.
2022Could Arni Have an Effect on Lv Fibrosis and Inflammatory Parameters in an Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis Model?Duygu, Ali; Adalı, Yasemen ; Öztopuz, Özlem; Deveci, Bülent; Gazi, Emine; Arslan, Mehmet
2023Could Ghrelin Be a Predictive Marker for Postoperative Weight Loss?Adali, Yasemen 
2023Demir Yükü Artmış Karaciğerde İnce İğne Aspirasyon Sitolojisi (iias) ve Tru-cut Biyopsisi: Deneysel Bir ÇalışmaAdalı, Yasemen ; Eroğlu, Hüseyin Avni; Makav, Mustafa; Karayol, Sunay Sibel; Fındık Güvendi, Gülname; Gök, Mustafa
2022Does the Stone We Throw Worth the Frog We Frightened? an Indirect CommentaryAdali, Yasemen 
2021The Effect of Topically Applied Boric Acid on Ephrin-Eph Pathway in Wound Treatment: an Experimental StudyBuyuk, Basak; Aydeger, Cemre; Adali, Yasemen ; Eroglu, Huseyin Avni
2021Effects of Bevacizumab Administration on the Hypoxia- Induced Pulmonary Hypertension Rat ModelDemir, Canan; Karaman, Meral; Ucan, Eyup Sabri; Gokmen, Ali Necati; Gurel, Duygu; Coker, Sadiye Canan; Adali, Yasemen 
2023The Effects of Thiopental on Cold Ischemic Injury in Renal TransplantationBüyük B.; Adali Y. ; Karakoç E.; Eroğlu H.A.; Aydeğer C.
2023Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-And Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in CattleUzlu, Erdoğan; Erkılıç, Ekin Emre; Adalı, Yasemen ; Öğün, Metin; Can Şahna, Kezban; Eryeğen, Nilhan; Eroğlu, Hüseyin Avni
2023Evaluation of Oxidative/Nitrosative Stress Parameters and Histopathological, Immunohistochemical Effects on Cisplatin-Induced Lung Toxicity in RatsYıldız Dalgınlı, Kezban; Öztürkler, Melek; Beşeren, Hatice; Adalı, Yasemen ; Atakişi, Onur
2022Evaluation of the Response To Vitamin B12 Supplementation in Patients With Atrophy in Sleeve Gastrectomy MaterialsAdali, Yasemen ; Binnetoglu, Kenan
2022Experimental Intravaginal and Intrauterine Endometritis Model: Which Model Is More Useful?Beşeren, Hatice; Makav, Mustafa; Kuru, Mushap; Adalı, Yasemen ; Coşkun, Mustafa Reha; Eroğlu, Hüseyin Avni
2023Investigation of Cyclin-D1 Immunohistochemical Expression in Bladder Urethelial CarcinomaAdalı, Yasemen ; Ezer, Mehmet; Yılmaz Ertürk, Fatma; Beşeren, Hatice
2024Investigation of the Effects of Dimethyl Sulfoxide in Experimental Gout With Comparison of Dexamethasone and IndomethacinAydeğer, Cemre; Adalı, Yasemen ; Makav, Mustafa; Eroğlu, Hüseyin Avni
2022Ipsilateral Synchronous Renal Cell Carcinoma: Papillary and ChromophobeAdali, Yasemen ; Toyran, Tugba; Ertener, Ozge 
2021Parathyroid Lesions: Our Single-Center Experience Forthe Last 5 YearsEkmekçi, Sümeyye; Küçük, Ülkü; Pala, Emel Ebru; Üstün, Mehmet; Atıcı, Semra Demirli; Adalı, Yasemen 
2022Pathological and Biochemical Investigation of the Effects of L-Carnitine and Gemfibrozil on Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (ppars) and Lipidosis in Rabbits on a High-Fat DietErkılıc, Ekin Emre; Çitil, Mehmet; Tunca, Recai; Uzlu, Erdogan; Karapehlivan, Mahmut; Adalı, Yasemen ; Yapar, Kürşad
2021Predictive and Prognostic Role of Lipocalin-2 Expression in Prostate Cancer and Its Association With Gleason ScoreUlusoy, M. Hakan; Cirak, Yalcin; Adali, Yasemen 
2021The Role of Aqp3 and Aqp4 Channels in Cisplatin-Induced Cardiovascular Edema and the Protective Effect of MelatoninKoral, Lokman; Ovali, Mehmet Akif; Tufekcioglu, Nezahat Kubra; Karakilic, Ersen; Adali, Yasemen ; Uzun, Metehan
2020Selenium or Ozone: Effects on Liver Injury Caused by Experimental Iron OverloadGuevendi, Guelname Frndrk; Eroglu, Hueseyin Avni; Makav, Mustafa; Guvendi, Buelent; Adalre, Yasemen 
2023Therapeutic Efects of Boric Acid in a Septic Arthritis Model Induced by Escherichia Coli in Rats (jan, 10.1007/S12011-021-03065-7, 2022)Yildiz, Kadri; Makav, Mustafa; Adali, Yasemen ; Bulut, Menekse
2022Therapeutic Effects of Boric Acid in a Septic Arthritis Model Induced by Escherichia Coli in RatsYildiz, Kadri; Makav, Mustafa; Adali, Yasemin ; Bulut, Menekse