Browsing by Author Varinlioğlu, Güzden

Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20223d Printing With Bacterial Cellulose-Based Bioactive Composites for Design ApplicationsTurhan G.D.; Afsar S.; Ozel B.; Doyuran A.; Varinlioglu G. ; Bengisu, Murat 
2020Adaptation of Buca House Plan Typology Through Shape GrammarErgin, Erdem
2023Affective Computing for Game User ResearchVarinlioğlu, Güzden ; Tu, H.; Nagakura, T.
2023Affective Computing for Game User ResearchVarınlıoğlu, Güzden ; Tu, Han; Nagakura, Takehiko
2018Arkeolojide Sayısal Olanaklarla Sergi TasarımıGülpınar, Ece Küreli ; Varinlioğlu, Güzden ; Kadıoğlu, Musa
2017Arkeolojik Alanların Korunmasında Dijital Sunum: Teos ÇalışmasıÜçok, Işılay
2018Arkeolojik Çevre Bağlamında Yeni Yapı TasarımıPasi̇n, Burkay ; Varinlioğlu, Güzden 
2020Assessing a Decade of Kas Underwater ArchaeoparkVarinlioglu, Guzden 
2019Augmenting Underwater Experience: Design of a Diving MaskÖzger, Nermin Sena
2024Becoming One With the Neighborhood: Collaborative Art, Space-Making, and Urban Change in Izmir DaragacKilinc, Kivanc; Pasin, Burkay ; Varinlioglu, Guzden 
2023Bio-Based Material Integration Into Computational Form-Finding Tools by Introducing Tensile Properties in the Case of Bacterial Cellulose-Based CompositesTurhan, Gozde Damla ; Varinlioglu, Guzden ; Bengisu, Murat 
2017Challenges in Raising Digital Awareness in Architectural CurriculumVarinlioğlu, Güzden ; Basarir L.; Genca O.; Vaizoglu Z.
2018A Comparative Study of Formal and Informal Teaching Methods in the Digital Architectural CurriculaVarinlioglu, Guzden ; Turhan, Gozde Damla 
2016Computational Thinking and the Architectural Curriculum Simple To Complex or Complex To Simple?Varinlioglu, Guzden ; Halici, Suheyla Muge; Alacam, Sema
2019DISSEMINATION OF DIGITAL HERITAGE THROUGH GAME-BASED LEARNINGVarinlioglu, Guzden ; Alankus, Gazihan ; Aslankan, Ali ; Mura, Gokhan 
2020Dynamic Relaxation Simulations of Bacterial Cellulose-Based TissuesTurhan, Gozde Damla ; Varinlioglu, Guzden ; Bengisu, Murat 
2021Evaluation of Learning Rate in a Serious Game: Based on Anatolian Cultural HeritageAfshar S.V.; Eshaghi S.; Varinlioglu G. ; Balaban Ö.
2019Gamification of Heritage Through Augmented RealityVarinlioglu, Guzden ; Halici, Suheyla Muge
2021An Integrated Structural Optimization Method for Bacterial Cellulose-Based Composite BiofilmsTurhan G.D.; Varinlioglu G. ; Bengisu, Murat 
2017The Integration of Virtual Reality Into Basic Design Education as a Representation ToolÖzkan, Betül