Browsing by Author Duman, Alper

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013An Agent Based Modeling Approach To the Check Payments Among Smes in TurkeyArslan, İlker; Duman, Alper 
2023Clarification and Application of the Category Profit on AlienationDuman, Alper ; Tonak, E. Ahmet
2022Dollarizaton in the Balance Sheets of Metal Products and Machinery Firms Listed in Bist During Covid-19 Pandemic in TurkeyBak, Barış
2010Economic Cooperation in Turkish Culture: Public Goods Games and Lonely ElephantsBeranek, Benjamin
2021Economic Growth, Income Distribution, and Social Exclusion in TurkeyDuman A. ; Duman A. 
2009The Effect of Consumer Loans on Durable Consumer Goods ExpendituresKutman, Ayça
2022Exchange Rate Shocks and Election OutcomesAtalay, Elifnur Uysal
2011Finansal Serbestleşme ve Firma FinansmanıEsen, Oğuz ; Duman, Alper 
2010Growth Engines of the South? South Africa, Brazil and Turkey in ComparisonDuman A. ; Heise A. ; Heise A. 
2013How Does Behavior of Banks Affect Financial Instability an Agent Based Modeling ApproachArslan, İlker
2024Institutions Matter: How SoDuman, Alper 
2016İzmir'de İş Ağları: Göçmenler Neden Farklı?Duman, Alper ; Göksel, İdil
2020Legal Environment and New Firm Formation: Case of TurkeyDuman, Alper ; Ogus Binatli, Ayla 
2016Long Term Impacts of Bank Behavior on Financial Stability. an Agent Based Modeling ApproachArslan ,İlker; Caverzasi, Eugenio; Gallegati, Mauro; Duman, Alper 
2017The Natural Resource Curse in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence and Potential ReversalSabı, Mouftaou Damoudou Affo
2012Türkiye Ekonomisinde İthalat Artışı: Bir Girdi-çıktı AnaliziDuman, Alper ; Özgüzer, Gül Ertan 
2016Türkiye'de Sendika Üyeliğinin Kamu ve Özel Sektördeki Ücretler Üzerindeki EtkileriDuman, Alper ; Duman, Anıl