Browsing by Author Ceylan, Deniz
Showing results 1 to 20 of 28
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Alterations in Levels of 8-Oxo '-deoxyguanosine and 8-Oxoguanine Dna Glycosylase 1 During a Current Episode and After Remission in Unipolar and Bipolar Depression | Ceylan, Deniz ; Yilmaz, Selda; Tuna, Gamze; Kant, Melis; Er, Ayse; Ildiz, Aysegul; Verim, Burcu |
2018 | Altered Expressions of Exosomal Micrornas in Bipolar Disorder | Ceylan, D. ; San, T.; Tufekci, U.; Genc, S.; Ozerdem, A. |
2022 | Behavioral Immune System and Trypophobia | Ozturk, Suleyman; Ceylan, Deniz ; Demir, Ayse Banu ; Kazdagli, Hasan ; Erdeniz, Burak |
2021 | Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Bipolar Disorder: Associations With Age at Onset and Illness Duration | Baykara, Burak; Koc, Dogukan; Resmi, Halil; Akan, Pinar; Tunca, Zeliha; Ozerdem, Aysegul; Ceylan, Deniz |
2020 | Circulating Exosomal Micrornas in Bipolar Disorder | Ceylan, D. ; Tufekci, K. U.; Keskinoglu, P.; Genc, S.; Ozerdem, A. |
2019 | Circulating Exosomal Micrornas in Bipolar Disorder [pp. 52-53] | Ceylan, D. ; Tufekci, U.; Genc, S.; Keskinoglu, P.; Ozerdem, A. |
2020 | Circulating Exosomal Micrornas in Bipolar Disorder [pp. 99-107] | Ceylan, Deniz ; Tufekci, Kemal Ugur; Keskinoglu, Pembe; Genc, Sermin; Ozerdem, Aysegul |
2020 | Cortical Thickness, Neurocognition and Social Cognition in Euthymic Individuals With Bipolar Disorder and Their Healthy Siblings | Verim, Burcu; Erdeniz, Burak ; Bora, Emre; Ceylan, Deniz ; Ildiz, Aysegul; Ozerdem, Aysegul |
2019 | Differential Dna Repair Gene Promoter Methylation in Anterior Temporopolar Area Gray Matter in Bipolar Disorder | Ozerdem, Aysegul; Ho, Ada M. C.; Ceylan, Deniz ; Armasu, Sebastian M.; Winham, Stacey J.; Stockmeier, Craig A.; Rajkowska, Grazyna |
2019 | Dna Damage and Repair in Symptomatic and Remitted States of Depression | Ceylan, Deniz ; Yilmaz, S.; Tuna, G.; Kant, M.; Er, A.; Ildiz, A.; Verim, B. |
2018 | Dna Redox Modulations and Global Dna Methylation in Bipolar Disorder: Effects of Sex, Smoking and Illness State | Ceylan, Deniz ; Scola, Gustavo; Tunca, Zeliha; Isaacs-Trepanier, Cameron; Can, Gunes; Andreazza, Ana C.; Young, L. Trevor |
2024 | Electrophysiological Detection of Exam Stress in Health Schools' Students | Kazdagli, H.; Ozel, H.F.; Ozturk, S.; Ceylan, D. ; Erdeniz, B.; Ozbek, M.; Semin, M.I. |
2019 | Exosomal Micrornas and Microrna Dysregulation in Bipolar Disorder | Ceylan, D. ; Tufekci, U.; Genc, S.; Ozerdem, A. |
2018 | Genetic Liability of Neurcognitive Impairment in Bipolar Disorder: Does the Type of Kinship Matter? | Ozerdem, A.; Bora, E.; Ceylan, D. ; Can, G.; Hidiroglu, C.; Arat, E.; Yalin, N. |
2019 | Increased Plasma Levels of 8-Oxoguanine Dna Glycosylase-1 in Bipolar Disorder | Ceylan, Deniz ; Yilmaz, Selda; Bora, Ugur; Tuna, Gamze; Ildiz, Aysegul; Akan, Pinar; Veldic, Marin |
2019 | Increased Serum Levels of Nmda Receptor Antibodies in Female Patients With Bipolar Disorder | Ceylan, Deniz ; Akan, Pinar; Doyuran, Kerim; Can, Gunes; Ersen, Ayca; Misir, Emre; Ozerdem, Aysegul |
2019 | Mental State Decoding, Mental State Reasoning and Their Relation To Neurocognition in Euthymic Patients With Bipolar Disorder. a Comparative Study With Healthy Individuals | Verim, B.; Ceylan, D. ; Bora, E.; Ildiz, A.; Erdogan, A.; Akgul, O.; Ozerdem, A. |
2020 | Neurocognitive Functioning During Symptomatic States and Remission in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia: a Comparative Study | Ceylan, Deniz ; Akdede, Berna Binnur; Bora, Emre; Aktener, Ahmet Yigit; Ongun, Ceren Hidiroglu; Tunca, Zeliha; Alptekin, Koksal |
2018 | Neurocognitive Functioning in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder During the Remission and the Psychotic States | Ceylan, Deniz ; Akdede, Berna Binnur; Bora, Emre; Hidiroglu, Ceren; Tunca, Zeliha; Alptekin, Koksal; Ozerdem, Aysegul |
2017 | Neurocognitive Functions in Remission Vs. Psychotic States: a Comparative Study Between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia | Ceylan, D. ; Akdede, B. B.; Bora, E.; Hidiroglu, C.; Tunca, Z.; Alptekin, K.; Ozerdem, A. |