Browsing by Author Cardullo, Robert

Showing results 1 to 20 of 63  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Ahistorical Avant-Gardism and the TheaterCardullo, Robert J. 
2012Appearance and Essence in Georg Kaiser's From Morn To MidnightCardullo, Robert J. 
2011Art-House Cinema, Avant-Garde Film, and Dramatic ModernismCardullo, Robert 
2011Attention, Attention Must Finally Be Unpaid: Death of a Salesman and the Reputation of Arthur MillerCardullo, Bert 
2012August Strindberg, Ingmar Bergman and the Ghost SonataCardullo, Robert 
2013The Avant-Garde and the Unamerican: Experimental Theatre and Drama From Europe To the United States After World War IiCardullo, Robert 
2012Bernard Shaw, the Philanderer, and the (un)making of Shavian DramaCardullo, Robert J. 
2011Bertolt Brecht: the Naturalist, the Theatricalist, and the Dramatist-As [2011]Cardullo, Robert J. 
2013Bertolt Brecht: the Naturalist, the Theatricalist, and the Dramatist-As [2013]Cardullo, Robert J. 
2013Cinema as 'social Documentary': the Film Theory of Andre Bazin, Revisited (vol 13, Pg 33, 2013)Cardullo, Robert J. 
2010The Cinema of Resistance: an Interview With Jean-Pierre and Luc DardenneCardullo, Bert 
2009The Cinema of Resistance: an Interview With Jeanpierre and Luc DardenneCardullo, Bert 
2011A Cinema of Social Conscience: an Interview With Ken LoachCardullo, Robert 
2011Day of Wrath, the Spirit of Tragedy, and the Judgment of the CreatorCardullo, Robert 
2011Death Wish, Child's Whim, Auteurist Will: Boyer and Clement's Forbidden Games ReplayedCardullo, Robert J. 
2012The Delay of Polonius in Shakespeare's HamletCardullo, Robert 
2012The Delay of Polonius in Shakespeare's Hamlet [pp. 487-495]Cardullo, Robert J. 
2008The Difficult B. B. : a RethinkingCardullo, Robert 
2010Divining the Real: the Film Theory and Criticism of Andre BazinCardullo, Robert 
2012Eugene O'neill the Hairy Ape in Relation To Greek Tragedy, Italian Futurism, and Divine ComedyCardullo, Robert J.