Browsing by Author Abreu Blaya, R.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014On Cauchy Type Integrals Related To the Cimmino System of Partial Differential EquationsAbreu Blaya, R.; Bory Reyes, J.; Schneider, B. 
2017On the 2d Quaternionic Metaharmonic Layer PotentialsBory Reyes, J.; Abreu Blaya, R.; Perez de la Rosa, M. A.; Schneider, B. 
2018On the Hilbert Formulas on the Unit Circle for Alpha-Hyperholomorphic Function TheoryBory Reyes, J.; Abreu Blaya, R.; Perez-de la Rosa, M. A.; Schneider, B. 
2017A Quaternionic Treatment of Inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann Type Systems in Some Traditional TheoriesBory Reyes, J.; Abreu Blaya, R.; Perez-de la Rosa, M. A.; Schneider, B.