Browsing by Author Acar, Selin

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Molecular Mechanisms Involved in Pre-Eclampsia Through Expressional Regulation of Endothelin-1Simsek, Fatma; Turunc, Ezgi; Keskin-Arslan, Elif; Erol, Hilal; Acar, Selin; Atakul, Bahar Konuralp ; Aydogmus, Serpil
2022Pregnancy Outcomes Following Maternal Exposure To Statins: a Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisKaradas, Baris; Uysal, Nusret; Erol, Hilal; Acar, Selin; Koc, Meltem; Kaya-Temiz, Tijen; Koren, Gideon