Browsing by Author Schmiedt-Fehr, C.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Maturation of Connectivity in Oscillatory Brain Networks: an Eeg Study of Novelty ProcessingWienke, A. S.; Schmiedt-Fehr, C.; Basar-Eroglu, C.; Mathes, B.
2022Oscillatory Activities in Multiple Frequency Bands in Patients With Schizophrenia During Motion PerceptionBaşar Eroğlu, Canan ; Kuecuek, K. M. ; Ruerup, L.; Schmiedt-Fehr, C.; Mathes, B.
2023Theta and Gamma Oscillations During Sustained Attention To Response Task (sart)Ulgen, Z.; Kucuk, K. M. ; Schmiedt-Fehr, C.; Guducu, C.; Başar Eroğlu, Canan