01. İzmir University of Economics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 21-40 of 82 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212017Establishing an Energy Security Framework for a Fast-Growing Economy: Industry Perspectives From TurkeyBiresselioglu, Mehmet Efe ; Yildirim, Cansu ; Demir, Muhittin Hakan ; Tokcaer, Sinem 
222016Estimating the Political, Economic and Environmental Factors' Impact on the Installed Wind Capacity Development: a System Gmm ApproachBiresselioglu, Mehmet Efe ; Kilinc, Dilara; Onater-Isberk, Esra; Yelkenci, Tezer
232011European Energy Security Turkey's Future Role and Impact ConclusionBiresselioglu, Mehmet Efe 
242011European Energy Security Turkey's Future Role and Impact IntroductionBiresselioglu, Mehmet Efe 
252011European Energy Security Turkey's Future Role and Impact Series Editor's PrefaceBiresselioglu, Mehmet Efe 
262008The European Union's Human Rights Conditionality: Normative or InstrumentalErdem, Kamile Tutku 
272013Europeanisation and Dynamics of Continuity and Change: Domestic Political Economies in the Southern Periphery'Balkir, Canan; Bolukbasi, H. Tolga; Ertugal, Ebru 
282013Europeanisation in the Southern Periphery': Comparative Research Findings on the Eu's Impact on Domestic Political EconomiesBalkir, Canan; Bolukbasi, H. Tolga; Ertugal, Ebru 
292013Europeanisation of Employment Policy in Turkey: Tracing Domestic Change Through Institutions, Ideas and InterestsBolukbasi, H. Tolga; Ertugal, Ebru 
302010Europeanization and Multi-Level Governance in TurkeyErtugal, Ebru 
312015Evaluating the Nature of Terrorist Attacks on the Energy Infrastructure: the Periodical Study for 1970-2011Biresselioglu, Mehmet Efe ; Yumurtacı Hüseyinoğlu, Işık Özge 
322012The Evolution of Nato’s Three Phases and Turkey’s Transatlantic RelationshipAybet, Gülnur 
332018Examining the Barriers and Motivators Affecting European Decision-Makers in the Development of Smart and Green Energy TechnologiesBiresselioglu, Mehmet Efe ; Nilsen, Marie; Demir, Muhittin Hakan ; Royrvik, Jens; Koksvik, Gitte
142021Fair Metadata Standards for Low Carbon Energy Research-A Review of Practices and How To AdvanceWierling, August; Schwanitz, Valeria Jana; Altinci, Sebnem; Balazinska, Maria; Barber, Michael J.; Biresselioglu, Mehmet Efe ; Burger-Scheidlin, Christopher; Demir, Muhittin Hakan ; Solak, Berfu
152011From Dayton To Brussels: the Impact of Eu and Nato Conditionality on State Building in Bosnia & HercegovinaAybet, Gülnur ; Bieber, Florian
162011Geopolitics and Energy Security: the Inevitable ConnectionBiresselioglu, Mehmet Efe 
172010Globalism as the Product of Nationalism Founding Ideology and the Erasure of the Local in TurkeyCinar, Alev 
182012The Government Orientation and Use of Renewable Energy: Case of EuropeBiresselioglu, Mehmet Efe ; Karaibrahimoglu, Yasemin Zengin 
192011Greater Caspian Sea Region: a Major Alternative for European Energy Security?Biresselioglu, Mehmet Efe 
202023How To Exploit Sustainable Food Consumption Habits of Individuals: Evidence From a Household Survey in Izmir, TurkiyeBiresselioğlu, Mehmet Efe ; Kentmen Çin, Çiğdem ; Demir, Muhittin Hakan ; Savaş, Zehra Funda ; Solak, Berfu; Önder, Burçin ; Çınar, Gözde