05.05. Computer Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 21-40 of 116 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212009A Comparison of Neural Networks for Real-Time Emotion Recognition From Speech SignalsÜnlütürk, Mehmet Süleyman ; Oguz K. ; Atay C.
222018Complexity of Energy Efficient Localization With the Aid of a Mobile BeaconAkcan, Hüseyin ; Evrendilek, Cem 
232008A Composite Network Security AssessmentKondakçı, Süleyman 
242009A Concise Cost Analysis of Internet MalwareKondakçı, Süleyman 
252015A Cost Efficient Line Rate Assignment Strategy for Mlr Wdm Optical NetworksAlgın, Gül Boztok; Tunali, E. Turhan 
262010Covering Oriented Points in the Plane With Orthogonal Polygons Is Np-CompleteEvrendilek C. ; Genç B.; Hnich B.
272016Covering Points With Minimum/Maximum Area Orthogonally Convex PolygonsEvrendilek, Cem ; Genc, Burkay ; Hnich, Brahim
282014Covering Points With Orthogonal PolygonsEvrendilek, Cem ; Genc, Burkay ; Hnich, Brahim
292011Covering Points With Orthogonally Convex PolygonsGenç, Burkay ; Evrendilek, Cem ; Hnich, Brahim
302012Customer Churn Prediction for Telecom ServicesYabaş, Utku ; Cankaya, Hakki Candan ; İnce, Türker 
312008Daris: a Probabilistic Model for Dependency Analysis of Risks in Information SecurityKondakçı, Süleyman 
322013Dedicated Path Protection in Mixed-Line Optical Wdm NetworksAlgın, Gül Boztok; Tunali, E. Turhan 
332019Design, Execution, and Analysis of Fmri ExperimentsOguz, Kaya 
342018Detection and Evaluation of Activation Instances as Change Points in Functional Mr ImagesCandemir C.; Oguz K. ; Korukoglu S.; Gonul A.S.
352019Diagnosis of Bipolar Disease Using Correlation-Based Feature Selection With Different Classification MethodsCigdem, Ozkan; Sulucay, Aysu; Yilmaz, Arif; Oguz, Kaya ; Demirel, Hasan; Kitis, Omer; Eker, Cagdas
362018Digital Recognition and Evaluation of the Clock Drawing TestOguz K. ; Canliturk B.; Kabar C.; Durukan O.; Ozceylan B.
372011Educational Technology Eroding National BordersSiddiqui, Khalid Javed ; Singh G.; Tunali T. 
382020Effect of Age and Gender on Facial Emotion RecognitionOguz K. ; Korkmaz I. ; Korkmaz B.; Akkaya G.; Alici C.; Kilic E.
392024The Effect of Aging on Face-Name Recognition: an Fmri StudyUslu, Ö.; Eroğlu, S.; Oğuz, K. ; Haznedaroğlu, D.İ.; Erata, M.C.; Erdoğan, Y.; Kan, Ö.Y.
402024The Effect of Emotional Faces on Reward-Related Probability Learning in Depressed PatientsKeskin-Gokcelli, D.; Kizilates-Evin, G.; Eroglu-Koc, S.; Oğuz, Kaya ; Eraslan, C.; Kitis, O.; Gonul, A.S.