| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
41 | 2019 | Effects of Covariates on Classification of Bipolar Disorder Using Structural Mri | Cigdem, Ozkan; Horuz, Erencan; Soyak, Refik; Aydeniz, Burhan; Sulucay, Aysu; Oguz, Kaya ; Demirel, Hasan |
42 | 2010 | An Efficient Jsd-Based Search on Interest-Based Hierarchical Clustering of Overlay Networks | Bulut, Hasan; Yardimci, Asil; Demirci, Sercan; Kaymak, Yagiz; Fesci-Sayit, Muge; Tunali, E. Turhan |
43 | 2009 | Emotion Recognition Using Neural Networks | Unluturk, Mehmet S. ; Oguz, Kaya ; Atay, Coskun |
44 | 2022 | Emotional Context Effect on Recognition of Varying Facial Emotion Expression Intensities in Depression | Yildirim-Celik, Hande; Eroglu, Seda; Oguz, Kaya ; Karakoc-Tugrul, Gulser; Erdogan, Yigit; Isman-Haznedaroglu, Damla; Eker, Cagdas |
45 | 2014 | An Energy Conservative Wireless Sensor Network Model for Object Tracking | Peynirci, Gokcer; Korkmaz, Ilker ; Gurgen, Muharrem |
46 | 2008 | Epidemic State Analysis of Computers Under Malware Attacks | Kondakçı, Süleyman |
47 | 2021 | Estimating the Difficulty of Tartarus Instances | Oguz, Kaya |
48 | 2017 | Exploring visual dictionaries: A model driven perspective | Aslan, Sinem; Akgul, Ceyhun Burak; Sankur, Bulent; Tunali, E. Turhan |
49 | 2022 | Extending Apal To Detect Overlapping Communities in Weighted Networks | Oğuz, Kaya ; Doluca, Osman |
10 | 2019 | Fmrı Deneylerinin Tasarlml, Yürütülmesi ve Analizi Design, Execution, And Analysis Of Fmrı Experiments | Oguz K. |
11 | 2018 | Genetic Imaging Study With [tc-(99m)] Trodat-1 Spect in Adolescents With Adhd Using Oros-Methylphenidate | Akay, Aynur Pekcanlar; Kaya, Gamze Capa; Kose, Samet; Yazicioglu, Cigdem Eresen; Erkuran, Handan Ozek; Guney, Sevay Alsen; Oguz, Kaya |
12 | 2012 | Gps-Free Directional Localization Via Dual Wireless Radios | Akcan, Hüseyin ; Evrendilek, Cem |
13 | 2023 | Gradual Loss of Social Group Support During Competition Activates Anterior Tpj and Insula but Deactivates Default Mode Network | Özkul, Burcu ; Candemir, Cemre; Oğuz, Kaya ; Eroğlu-Koç, Seda; Kizilates-Evin, Gozde; Ugurlu, Onur; Erdoğan, Yiğit |
14 | 2023 | Helpchain: a Blockchain Based Disaster Management System | Parildar, B.; Sayin,; Turkzeybek, F.Z.; Kucukoz, O.; Erten, Yusuf Murat |
15 | 2017 | A Hierarchical P2p Clustering Framework for Video Streaming Systems | Demirci, Sercan; Yardimci, Asil; Sayit, Muge; Tunali, E. Turhan ; Bulut, Hasan |
16 | 2015 | Human-Related It Security: a Reliability Model for Network and Computer Maintenance | Kondakei S. |
17 | 2010 | Implementation and Performance Evaluation of the Rsep Protocol on Arm and Intel Platforms | Kondakçı, Süleyman ; Yilmaz G. |
18 | 2012 | Intelligent Network Security Assessment With Modeling and Analysis of Attack Patterns | Kondakçı, Süleyman |
19 | 2013 | Intelligent Solar Energy Toolkit | Toçoğlu, Mansur Alp |
20 | 2011 | Internet Epidemiology: Healthy, Susceptible, Infected, Quarantined, and Recovered | Kondakçı, Süleyman ; Dincer, Cemali |