05.09. Industrial Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 153 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
120082DB: a Proteomics database for storage, analysis, presentation, and retrieval of information from mass spectrometric experimentsAllmer, Jens ; Kuhlgert, Sebastian; Hippler, Michael
1422012An adaptive tabu search approach for buffer allocation problem in unreliable non-homogenous production linesDemir, Leyla; Tunali, Semra ; Eliiyi Türsel, Deniz 
1432010An adaptive tabu search approach for buffer allocation problem in unreliable production linesDemir L.; Tunali S. ; Eliiyi Türsel, Deniz 
1442019Analyses of Outcomes That Used Simulation Modelling Towards Building TheoryKabak, Kamil Erkan ; Hinkeldeyn, Johannes; Dekkers, Rob
1462015Analysis of the passenger flow in Izmir metro train stationsHaner, Gülce 
1472012Analysis of Transient Throughput Rates of Transfer Lines with Pull SystemsGokce, M. A.; Dincer, M. Cemali; Örnek, Mustafa Arslan 
1482013An Approximate Solution for Semi-Open Queueing Network Model of an Autonomous Vehicle Storage and Retrieval SystemYetkin Ekren, Banu ; Heragu, Sunderesh S.; Krishnamurthy, Ananth; Malmborg, Charles J.
1492011Approximated headway distributions for non-signalized and signalized freeway entrance rampsOner, Erdinc 
1502012Aralık çizelgelemede kapasite planlama ve kapasite artırımı problemleriEliiyi, Deniz Türsel 
1512012An assignment and routing problem with time windows and capacity restrictionOzdemirel, Aybike; Gokgur, Burak ; Eliiyi Türsel, Deniz 
1522010Assignment of transit container bookings for a transit agencyÖrnek, Mustafa Arslan ; Eliiyi Türsel, Deniz ; Sargut Z.; Ozturk, Cemalettin
1532013Balancing and scheduling of flexible mixed model assembly linesOzturk, Cemalettin; Tunali, Semra ; Hnich B.; Örnek, Mustafa Arslan 
1542013Balancing and scheduling of flexible mixed model assembly lines with parallel stationsOzturk, Cemalettin; Tunali, Semra ; Hnich B.; Örnek, Mustafa Arslan 
1552009Beam search algorithm for capacity allocation problem in flexible manufacturing systemsÖzpeynirci, Selin ; Azizoglu, Meral
1562019A bi-objective model for design and analysis of sustainable intermodal transportation systems: a case study of TurkeyResat, Hamdi Giray ; Turkay, Metin
1572021Big Data-Enabled Solutions Framework to Overcoming the Barriers to Circular Economy Initiatives in Healthcare SectorKazancoglu, Yigit ; Sagnak, Muhittin ; Lafci, Cisem; Luthra, Sunil; Kumar, Anil; Tacoglu, Caner 
1582009Bounding approaches for operation assignment and capacity allocation problem in flexible manufacturing systemsÖzpeynirci, Selin ; Azizoglu, Meral
1592010Capacitated lot sizing with linked lots for general product structures in job shopsOzturk, Cemalettin; Örnek, Mustafa Arslan 
1602009Capacity allocation problem in flexible manufacturing systems: branch and bound based approachesÖzpeynirci, Selin ; Azizoglu, Meral