02.02. Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 201-220 of 319 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012008On Multiple Scattering of Radiation by an Infinite Grating of Dielectric Circular Cylinders at Oblique IncidenceKavaklioglu, Omer; Schneider, Baruch 
2022007On Nuclearity of Köthe SpacesKarapinar E. ; Zakharyuta V.
2032022On Sheffer Stroke Be-AlgebrasKatıcan Tuğçe ; Oner T.; Saeid A.B.
2042020On Some Models of Ordered Random Variables and Characterizations of DistributionsTavangar, Mahdi; Bayramoglu, Ismihan 
2052008On Start-Up Demonstration Tests Under ExchangeabilityEryilmaz, Serkan ; Chakraborti, Subhabrata
2062010On System Reliability in Stress-Strength SetupEryılmaz, Serkan 
2072017On the 2d Quaternionic Metaharmonic Layer PotentialsBory Reyes, J.; Abreu Blaya, R.; Perez de la Rosa, M. A.; Schneider, B. 
2082008On the Asymptotic Solution for the Fourier-Bessel Multiple Scattering Coefficients of an Infinite Grating of Insulating Dielectric Circular Cylinders at Oblique IncidenceKavaklioglu, Oemer; Schneider, Baruch 
2092020On the Coherent Systems Subject To Marshall-Olkin Type ShocksOzkut, Murat ; Kan, Cihangir
2102005On the Distribution and Expectation of Success Runs in Nonhomogeneous Markov Dependent TrialsEryılmaz, Serkan 
2112005On the General Class of Two-Sided Power DistributionOzlem, OE; Bairamov, I 
2122018On the Hilbert Formulas and of Change of Integration Order for Some Singular Integrals in the Unit CircleBory Reyes, Juan; Abreu Blaya, Ricardo; Perez De La Rosa, Marco Antonio; Schneider, Baruch 
2132018On the Hilbert Formulas on the Unit Circle for Alpha-Hyperholomorphic Function TheoryBory Reyes, J.; Abreu Blaya, R.; Perez-de la Rosa, M. A.; Schneider, B. 
2142007On the Lifetime Distribution of Consecutive K-Out F SystemEryılmaz, Serkan 
2152011On the Mean and Extreme Distances Between Failures in Markovian Binary SequencesEryılmaz, Serkan ; Yalcin, Femin 
2162015On the Mean Remaining Strength at the System Level for Some Bivariate Survival Models Based on Exponential DistributionGurler, Selma; Ucer, Burcu Hudaverdi; Bairamov, Ismihan 
2172015On the Mean Remaining Strength of the K-Out System With Exchangeable ComponentsBayramoğlu, İsmihan ; Gurler, Selma; Ucer, Burcu
2182019On the Numerical Solution of Fractional Differential Equations With Cubic Nonlinearity Via Matching Polynomial of Complete GraphKürkçü, Ömür Kıvanç ; Aslan, ErsIn; Sezer, Mehmet
2192016On the Records of Multivariate Random SequencesBayramoglu, Ismihan 
2202008On the Residual Lifelengths of the Remaining Components in an N-K+1 Out of N SystemBairamov, Ismihan ; Arnold, Barry C.