02.02. Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 281-300 of 319 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2812016Signature Based Reliability Analysis of Repairable Weighted K-Out SystemsFranko, Ceki ; Tütüncü, Gözde Yazgı 
2822007Singular Integrals of the Time Harmonic Maxwell Equations Theory on a Piecewise Liapunov SurfaceSchneider, Baruch 
2832005Singular Integrals of the Time-Harmonic Relativistic Dirac Equation on a Piecewise Liapunov SurfaceSchneider, Baruch 
2842012Soliton Solutions of Q-Toda Lattice by Hirota Direct MethodSilindir, Burcu 
2852005Solutions of the Gaudin Equation and Gaudin AlgebrasBalantekin, AB; Dereli, T; Pehlivan, Yamac 
2862010Solvability Conditions and Monotone Iterative Scheme for Boundary-Value Problems Related To Nonlinear Monotone Potential OperatorsÖzbilge Kahveci, Ebru 
2872011Solvability Conditions Related To Nonlinear Monotone Potential OperatorsÖzbilge Kahveci, Ebru 
2882012Some Notes on the Poincare-Bertrand FormulaSchneider, Baruch 
2892013Some Novel Discrete Distributions Under Fourfold Sampling Schemes and Conditional Bivariate Order StatisticsBayramoğlu, İsmihan ; Kemalbay, Gulder
2902006Some Properties of a Cauchy-Type Integral for the Moisil-Theodoresco System of Partial Differential EquationsSchneider B. 
2912004Some Properties of the Cauchy-Type Integral for the Laplace Vector Fields TheorySchneider, B ; Shapiro, M
2922011Some Properties of the Clifford Cauchy Type Integrals Associated To Helmholtz Equation on a Piecewise Lyapunov Surfaces in R-MSchneider, Baruch 
2932006Some Results Associated With the Longest Run Statistic in a Sequence of Markov Dependent TrialsEryılmaz, Serkan 
2942006Spacings, Exceedances and Concomitants in Progressive Type Ii Censoring SchemeBairamov, I ; Eryılmaz, Serkan 
2952002Special Precovers in Cotorsion TheoriesAkinci, Karen D. ; Alizade, R
2962006Spectral Analysis of Q-Difference Equations With Spectral SingularitiesAdivar, M ; Bohner, M
2972013Stability Analysis of a Host Parasite ModelUfuktepe, Unal ; Kapcak, Sinan
2982019Stability Analysis of a Prey Refuge Predator-Prey Model With Allee EffectsUfuktepe, Ünal ; Külahçioğlu, Burçin ; Akman, Olcay 
2992015Stability Analysis of the Beddington Model With Allee EffectUfuktepe U. ; Kapçak S.; Akman, Olcay 
3002013Stability and Invariant Manifold for a Predator-Prey Model With Allee EffectUfuktepe, Unal ; Kapcak, Sinan; Akman, Olcay