02.02. Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 181-200 of 319 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1812003On a New Sample Rank of an Order Statistics and Its ConcomitantEryılmaz, Serkan ; Bairamov, IG 
1822014On Cauchy Type Integrals Related To the Cimmino System of Partial Differential EquationsAbreu Blaya, R.; Bory Reyes, J.; Schneider, B. 
1832014On Censored Bivariate Random Variables: Copula, Characterization, and EstimationBayramoglu, Konul; Bayramoglu (Bairamov), Ismihan 
1842005On Characteristic Properties of the Uniform DistributionArslan G.; Ahsanullah M.; Bayramoglu I.G. 
1852007On Characterization of Distributions Through the Properties of Conditional Expectations of Order StatisticsBairamov, Ismihan ; Ozkal, Tugba
1862015On Conditional Residual Lifetime and Conditional Inactivity Time of K-Out SystemsTavangar, Mahdi; Bairamov, Ismihan 
1872014On Conditionally Independent Random Variables, Copula and Order StatisticsBayramoğlu, İsmihan 
1882019On Distribution of Upper Marginal Records in Bivariate Random SequencesKemalbay, Gulder; Bayramoglu, Ismihan 
1892007On Distributions of Exceedances Based on Generalized Order StatisticsBairamov, Ismihan ; Tanil, Halil
1902007On Exceedances of Record and Order StatisticsBairamov, I. G. ; Khan, M. K.
1912012On Extreme Residual Lives After the Failure of the SystemEryılmaz, Serkan ; Bayramoglu, Ismihan 
1922011On flexible progressive censoringBairamov, Ismihan ; Parsi, Safar
1932008On Floquet-Twersky Representation for the Diffraction of Obliquely Incident Plane H-Polarized Electromagnetic Waves by an Infinite Grating of Insulating Dielectric Circular CylindersKavaklioglu, Oemer; Schneider, Baruch 
1942023On Fuzzy Sheffer Stroke Be-AlgebrasOner, T.; Katıcan Tuğçe ; Saeid, A.B.
1952015On Generalized Invariants of Cyclic GroupsErkuş, DENİZ ERDEMİRCİ ; Madran, Ugur
1962011On Generalized Sarmanov Bivariate DistributionsBairamov, I. ; Altinsoy, B. (Yagci); Kerns, G. Jay
1972015On Generators of the Hilbert Ideal for Cyclic Groups in Modular Invariant TheoryErkuş, DENİZ ERDEMİRCİ ; Madran, Ugur
1982023On Ideals of Sheffer Stroke Up-AlgebrasÖner, T.; Katıcan Tuğçe 
1992014On Marshall-Olkin Type Distribution With Effect of Shock MagnitudeOzkut, Murat ; Bayramoglu (Bairamov), Ismihan 
2002017On Modification of Weak Structures Via Hereditary ClassesGhareeb, A.; Guldurdek, Asli