Yeganli, F.
Araştırma alanları sinyal ve görüntü işleme, süper çözünürlük, makine öğrenimi, derin öğrenme, sinir ağı ve bilgisayar görüşüdür.
Dr. Faezeh Yeganli got B.S in control engineering from Khaje Nasireddin Toosi Technical University in Tehran, Iran in 2006. During her B.S studies in Iran she had an experience of working in research project in the process and Automation lab. Dr. Yeganli completed her M.Sc and Ph.D in Signal and Image Processing in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Cyprus in 2009 and 2015. During studies in Cyprus, she was research and teaching assistant (Circuit II, DSP, Signal and Systems and Control Systems in laboratories) (2008-2015). At 2011, she spent two months in Kingston University, Canada for project management work-shop. After her graduation she joined to Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department at EMU as a part-time lecturer and she was teaching Circuit I and Introduction to C programming. Dr. Yeganli is currently lecturer at Computer Engineering Department in Izmir University of Economics from September 2016. She attended the Poznan University of Technology (Poznan, Poland) as a visiting researcher during summer 2018.
Her research interests are signal and image processing, super-resolution , machine learning, deep-learning, neural network and computer vision.

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