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Full Name
Bayındır, Süha
Bayindir, Suha
Bayındır, Nuri Suha
Bayındır, Nuri Suha
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1978 yılında ODTÜ Elektrik Mühendisliğinde lisans ve 1982 yılında University of Newcastle upon Tyne (İngiltere) Mühendislik Fakültesinde doktora derecelerini almıştır. 1983 - 1985 yıllarında Erciyes Üniversitesi Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkanlığı, 1988 - 1994 yıllarında Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesinde Doçent ve Profesör olarak görev almıştır. 2001 - 2011 yıllarında KKTC DAÜ'de de DAÜ-TEKMER Başkanlığı ve Rektör yardımcılığı görevlerini yapmıştır. 2005 - 2011 yıllarında Gazi Magosa Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi kurucu Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı olarak görev almıştır. 2011-2012 yılında İYTE de İZKA destekli İnovasyon Merkezi Projesi Yöneticiliği, 2012 - 2013 yıllarında, Ege Biyoteknoloji A.Ş. Şirketinde Proje Yöneticiliği yapmıştır. 2013 yılından bu yana İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesinde part-time dersler vermiş ve 2016 yılında İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Mekatronik Mühendisliği Bölümünde Profesör kadrosuna atanmıştır.
Prof.Dr. N. Süha Bayındır received his BSc degree from the Electrical Engineering department of the Middle East Technical University in 1978 and his PhD degree in 1982 from the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering of the Newcastle University in the UK. He worked as an assistant profesor and the Chairman of Electronic Enegineering department of the Erciyes University during 1983-1988. He was assigned as an associate professor in 1988 at Erciyes University and worked in the electrical & electronic engineering department of DEU during 1988 - 1994. He was assigned as a professor in 1994 and worked in the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the Eastern Mediterranean University between 1994 - 2011, during which he had also conducted the duties of Vice Rector and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Famagusta Technology Development Region. He worked as a lecturer in the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at IYTE and also acted as the Project Manager of the Innovation Center Project sponsored by IZKA during 2011 - 2012. He worked as a project Manager at Ege Biyotechnology A.Ş. during 2012 - 2013. He has been lecturing in the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at IEU and has been assigned as a professor in the Mechatronic Engineering department in 2016.
Prof.Dr. N. Süha Bayındır received his BSc degree from the Electrical Engineering department of the Middle East Technical University in 1978 and his PhD degree in 1982 from the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering of the Newcastle University in the UK. He worked as an assistant profesor and the Chairman of Electronic Enegineering department of the Erciyes University during 1983-1988. He was assigned as an associate professor in 1988 at Erciyes University and worked in the electrical & electronic engineering department of DEU during 1988 - 1994. He was assigned as a professor in 1994 and worked in the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the Eastern Mediterranean University between 1994 - 2011, during which he had also conducted the duties of Vice Rector and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Famagusta Technology Development Region. He worked as a lecturer in the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at IYTE and also acted as the Project Manager of the Innovation Center Project sponsored by IZKA during 2011 - 2012. He worked as a project Manager at Ege Biyotechnology A.Ş. during 2012 - 2013. He has been lecturing in the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at IEU and has been assigned as a professor in the Mechatronic Engineering department in 2016.
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