Lecturer Çiğdem Bilal graduated from Anadolu Unıversty, Department of Civil Aviation Transportaion Management in 2002. She started to work as an operation officer at MNG Airlines Antalya station in 2002 and than she continued to work at coordination department and operation supervisor. In 2006, she worked for Inter Airlines as Traffic Rights Officer for a short time. She worked for 16 years at the Ankara Tav Esenboğa Terminal Operation Center. At the same time, she was a part time lecturer at Atılım Universty, Aviation Management Department between the years of 2016-2022. In October 2022, she started to work as lecturer at Izmir Universty of Economics, Civil Aviation Cabin Services program. As of 2020, she started her master program at Anadolu University, in the field of Civil Aviation Management.

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