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Title: Beyoglu Culture Route
Authors: Nasir, Esra Bici
Keywords: Geometric patterns
basic design
digital art
Publisher: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd
Abstract: Selcuk Artut's works, which take their reference from geometric patterns, have often had influence, sparking many new ideas and generating innovative thinking. His recent exhibition, entitled as Geomart-ut7, in the Beyoglu Culture Route programme, located at Ataturk Cultural Centre in Istanbul, creates a multi-layered venue for contemplation. The geometric patterns which move, float, diverge and converge by the means of computer coding on tall digital screens, and most of these take their inspiration from the marvels of geometrical artworks that are observed throughout history. However when we carefully observe these animated geometrical patterns, we see that the artist's works are not merely the replicas of traditional patterns; through animation, the geometrical patterns, which are animated by coding techniques, change their angles and directions, yielding intermediary figures. The current creation process, which was defined by the artist himself as Dialectical Creativity, emerges because of mutual interactions between the artist and the computer, which he uses to communicate through the code language. The fundamentals of this artistic production cover the themes of repetition, meditative effect and infinity; thus, it is very appropriate to consider Artut's artworks in the contemporary age. Here we see the attempt of the artist to derive ideas from his deeply-rooted heritage, and make the meaningful connections with the past, even while emerging onto the contemporary art scene.
ISSN: 1460-6925
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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