05.05. Computer Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 101-116 of 116 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1012020Speech Emotion Recognition: Emotional Models, Databases, Features, Preprocessing Methods, Supporting Modalities, and ClassifiersAkcay, Mehmet Berkehan; Oguz, Kaya 
1032011A Survey of Agent Technologies for Wireless Sensor NetworksDagdeviren, Orhan; Korkmaz, Ilker ; Tekbacak, Fatih; Erciyes, Kayhan
1042013A Survey on Security in Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and Defense MechanismsKorkmaz I. ; Dagdeviren O.; Tekbacak F.; Dalkilic M.E.
1052015SymPaD: Symbolic patch descriptorAslan S.; Akgül C.B.; Sankur B.; Tunalı, Turhan 
1062023A Symptom Evaluation System on Medical DiagnosisMurat, B.; Uzer, A.O.; Ketenci, S.; Yasbek, S.; Korkmaz, I. 
1072017Task Assignment in Tree-Like Hierarchical StructuresEvrendilek, Cem ; Toroslu, Ismail Hakki; Hashemikhabir, Seyedsasan
1082024Task-Dependent Functional Connectivity Changes in Response To Varying Levels of Social SupportBurhanoglu, Birce Begüm; Uslu, Özgül; Özkul, Burcu ; Oğuz, Kaya ; Eroğlu-Koç, Seda; Kizilates-Evin, Gozde; Candemir, Cemre
1092020True Scores for Tartarus With Adaptive Gas That Evolve Fsms on GpuOguz, Kaya 
1102010Ubiquitous Monitoring System for Critical Rescue OperationsKondakçı, Süleyman ; Yilmaz G.; Kocabiyik E.; Coskuner F.; Akçöltekin A.; Yüksel M.S.
1112008Vertex Separators for Partitioning a GraphEvrendilek, Cem 
1122022Virtual Body Anthropomorphism Increases Drift in Self-Location: Further Support for the Humanoid Shape RuleTekgun, Ege; Uludagli, Muhtar C. ; Akcan, Hüseyin ; Erdeniz, Burak 
1132022A Virtual Reality Based Hands-On Simulation Learning System for Anatomy Education in Medical Schools: AesculapianKubur, Ali; Korkmaz, Ilker 
1142010The Weak and the Strong Password Preferences: a Case Study on Turkish UsersKorkmaz I. ; Dalkilic M.E.
1152022Work of Art in the Age of Metaverse Exploring Digital Art Through Augmented RealityVarinlioglu, Güzden; Oğuz, Kaya ; Turkmen, Doruk; Ercan, Irem; Turhan, Gozde Damla 
1162022Work of Art in the Age of Metaverse: Exploring Digital Art Through Augmented RealityVarinlioglu G. ; Oguz K. ; Turkmen D.; Ercan I.; Turhan G.D.