02.05. Sociology

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 55 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12011Alevis and Alevism in the Changing Context of Turkish Politics: the Justice and Development Party's Alevi OpeningSoner, Bayram Ali ; Toktas, Sule
22009An Analysis Into the Persona of KnidiaDurna, Gül E. 
32013An Authentic Experience of “multiculturalism” at the Border City of AntakyaDoğruel, Fulya 
42008Azınlık Hakları : Ayrılıkçı Mı,çoğulcu Mu ?Soner, Bayram Ali 
52019Basit Denetim Yeniden: Türkiye’de Tatil Köylerinde Emek Denetimi DenetimiErköse, Hüseyin Yener 
62020The Battlefields of Leisure: Simple Forms of Labor Control in the Turkish Hospitality SectorErköse, Hüseyin Yener 
72020Between the State and the World Market: Small-Scale Hazelnut Production in the Black Sea RegionErköse, Hüseyin Yener ; Sahin, Osman; Yukseker, Deniz ; Sert, Deniz H.
82012The Comparison of the Opinions of the University Students on the Usage of Blog and Wiki for Their CoursesAvci, Ummuhan; Aşkar, Petek 
92015The Condition of the Ottoman Mine Labour and Its Impact on the Republican PeriodKahveci̇, Erol 
102017Crime and Media: the World of ‘reality Show’ as a Moral Frame of ReferenceErol Isik, Nuran ; Yaman, Burcu
112010The Development of a Scale on Assessing Constructivist Learning EnvironmentsArkun, Selay; Aşkar, Petek 
122019Diasporada Güzellik: Almanya’da Kadın Etnik GirişimciliğiKavuş, Helin Kardelen 
132022Digital Nomadism and Global Mobility: Challenges and Suggestions for International Migration PoliciesSanul Diner, R Gökçe 
142014Disasters as an Ideological Strategy for Governing Neoliberal Urban Transformation in Turkey: Insights From Izmir/KadifekaleSaracoglu, Cenk; Demirtas-Milz, Neslihan 
152023Driving Green Job Opportunities in Sustainable Waste Management Through Co-Production Strategies: Informal Recycling Workers, Municipalities, and the National Agenda-A Case Study of IzmirKavuş, Helin Kardelen ; Erköse, Hüseyin Yener ; Eryar, Sıtkı Değer 
162012Dubai: Gilded CageDemi̇rtaş, Neslihan 
172022Environmental Mobilizations Through Online Networks: an Analysis of Environmental Activism on Turkey's TwittersphereDoğu, Burak ; Özen, Hayriye ; Pasin, Begüm 
182022Environmental Mobilizations Through Online Networks: an Analysis of Environmental Activism on Turkey’s TwittersphereDoğu, Burak ; Özen, Hayriye ; Pasin, Begüm 
192019Evaluating Narrativization Practices in Turkish Tv Serials as a Venue of Popular HistoriographyErol Işık, Nuran 
202011An Examination of the Factor Structure of the Turkish Version of the Online Learning Environment SurveyOzkok, Alev; Yurdugul, Halil; Aşkar, Petek