09.01. Basic Medical Sciences

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 61-80 of 139 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
612019Health-Related Quality of Life and Perceived Health Status of Turkish PopulationHorasan, Gonul Dinc ; Selcuk, Kevser Tari; Sakarya, Sibel; Sozmen, Kaan; Ergor, Gul; Yardim, Nazan; Sarioglu, Gulay
622022Healthcare-Related Hcv Genotype 4d Infections in Kayseri, TurkeyGokahmetoglu, Selma; Polat, Ceylan; Atalay, Mustafa Altay; Sezgin, Gulten Can; Ergor, Gul; Aygen, Bilgehan; Gursoy, Sebnem; Abacıoğlu, Yusuf Hakan 
632015Hepatit C Virusunun Genomik Varyasyonları ve Kliniğe EtkileriAbacıoğlu, Yusuf Hakan ; Ergünay, Koray
642019Histological and Biochemical Investigation of the Effects of Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Orthodontic Tooth MovementCesur, Mine Gecgelen; Onal, Tuna; Bilgin, Mehmet Dincer; Sirin, Fevziye Burcu; Inan, Sevinc ; Koken, Ergun Cem; Alkan, Afra
652020Histomorphometric Analysis of the Effects of Grape Seed Extract (vitis Vinifera) and Low-Level Laser Therapy (lllt) on Fracture HealingKara, Muhammed İsa; İnan, Sevinç ; Aydemir, Işıl; Taysı, Seyithan; Aras, Mutan Hamdi; Altundağ Kahraman, Sevil; Ege, Bilal
662023Home Safety, Quality of Life, Fall, and Fear of Falling Among Older Home Care RecipientsCakir, Nurcan Pirgan; Mandiracioglu, Aliye; Hassoy, Hur; Horasan, Gonul Dinc 
672023?-Hydroxybutyrate Does Not Influence Viability and Clonogenicity of A549 Lung Cancer CellsÖzkaya, Ali Burak ; Malcanlı, Semanur; Geyik, Öykü Gönül
682009Identification of an Unknown Coefficient ApproximatelyOzbilge E. ; Demir A. 
692020Identification of the Nucleotide Substitutions in 62 Sars-Cov Sequences From TurkeyDemir, Ayse Banu ; Benvenuto, Domenico; Abacioglu, Hakan ; Angeletti, Silvia; Ciccozzi, Massimo
702024Identification of the Role of Tg2 on the Expression of Tgf-Β, Timp-1 and Timp-2 in Aged SkinErgülen, Elvan; Akdoğan, Gül 
712024Identification of the Role of Tg2 on the Expression of Tgfβ, Timp1 and Timp2 in Aged SkinErgulen, E.; Akdogan, G. G. 
722020Immunohistochemical Determination of Mtor Pathway Molecules in Ovaries and Uterus in Rat Estrous Cycle StagesEkizceli, Gulcin; Inan, Sevinc ; Oktem, Gulperi; Onur, Ece; Ozbilgin, Kemal
732022The Impact of Visual Thinking in Medical EducationDemir, Ayse Banu ; Okuyan; van Eck, Alexander ; Mura, Gokhan ; Gonlugur, Emre ; Karaca, Can ; Abacioglu, Hakan 
742022Implications of Possible Hbv-Driven Regulation of Gene Expression in Stem Cell-Like Subpopulation of Huh-7 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell LineDemir, Ayse Banu ; Benvenuto, Domenico; Karacicek, Bilge; Erac, Yasemin; Spoto, Silvia; Angeletti, Silvia; Ciccozzi, Massimo
752017In Vitro Effects of Selenium on Human Glioblastoma Multiforme Cell Lines: a Preliminary StudyHarmancı, Duygu; Erbayraktar, Zubeyde; Sayin, Oya; Akdoğan, Gül 
762019An in Vitro Study in Which New Boron Derivatives Maybe an Option for Breast Cancer TreatmentSimsek, F.; İnan, Sevinç ; Korkmaz, M.
772019An in Vitro Study in Which New Boron Derivatives Maybe an Option for Breast Cancer TreatmentSimsek, Fatma; Inan, Sevinc ; Korkmaz, Mehmet
782019Influence of Omega-3 Fatty Acid on Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Rats: a Biochemical, Histological, Immunohistochemical and Gene Expression StudyOgrenim, Gozde; Cesur, Mine G.; Onal, Tuna; Kara, Murat; Sirin, Fevziye B.; Yalcin, Gizem D.; Inan, Sevinc 
792020Insights From the New Horizons in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education Conference. September 6-8, 2017, Rehovot, IsraelMacaulay, Janet; Akdoğan, Gül ; Yarden, Anat
802023Interaction of Choline and Kynurenic Acid in an Inflammation Model of Established in Raw 264.7 Rat Macrophage Cell CulturesBaris, Elif ; Tosun, Metiner