Gümgüm, S.
Turhan, Sevin Gümgüm
Sevin Gümgüm graduated from Department of Mathematics at Hacettepe University in 2000. Then she continued her education at Middle East Technical University as a MSc student and graduated in 2003. She completed her Ph.D. study in Scientific Computing Program at Middle East Technical University in 2010. She was awarded with the 'METU thesis of the year award' by the Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation. Since 2003 she has taught Numerical Analysis, Calculus, Differential equations, Numerical solutions of differential equations and Linear Algebra. She conducts studies about numerical analysis, numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations, finite difference, finite element and boundary element methods, numerical solutions of fluid mechanics and magneto hydrodynamics, infinite integrals and numerical solutions of series.

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