O. Mengi
Mengi, Onur.
Mengi̇, Onur
2008 yılında Hollanda Amsterdam Üniversitesi Metropoliten Çalışmaları’nda araştırmacı, 2018 yılında Avustralya Queensland Teknoloji Üniversitesi 'Design Lab' de ortak araştırmacı olarak çalışmıştır.
Akademik çalışmalarını ise yaratıcı endüstriler, bilgi ve yenilik ekosistemleri, ve yaratıcı mekan yapımı üzerine sürdürmektedir.
Dr Onur Mengi (BSc, MSc, PhD) is an interdisciplinary academic with experience in teaching industrial design and design management since 2010, and an interdisciplinary designer with experience working on various scale projects ranging from product design to urban design in Turkey since 2006. He is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Design at Izmir University of Economics, Turkey.
He has well-established leadership skills across education, business, and research, and uses an evidence-based and end-user driven design methodology both in his teaching practice and his research. Onur’s qualifications in design thinking underpin his strong appreciation of design as a catalyst for bringing about social change. His research and education background in the creative industries ecosystem give him ability to pioneer new ideas in the industrial design area using multi-level perspectives and systems thinking to generate innovative design strategies that deliver value, engagement, and impact.
He is a research collaborator to QUT Design Lab in Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

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