Asst. Prof. Dr. Ebru Akduman studied at İzmir Özel Türk Koleji (earned high school diploma) between the years of 1982 - 1989. She completed her undergraduate study at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Law, İzmir (earned LL.B. degree) between the years of 1989 - 1993. After completion of her legal internship in İzmir in 1994, she worked as a trainee and translator at P. D. Ryan & Co. Solicitors, London. She completed her postgraduate study in international and comparative law at Vrije University, Faculty of Law, Brussels by defending her thesis titled “Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements in International Transactions” (earned LL.M. degree) between the years of 1997 - 1998. During this period, she also did internship in the European Union Commission. She worked in İstanbul as a legal consultant at foreign partnerships and multinational companies, including Ernst & Young, and as a teaching staff member at Kadir Has University, Faculty of Law, Private International Law Department between the years of 1998 - 2010. She completed her postgraduate study in private law at Marmara University, Social Sciences Institute, İstanbul by defending her thesis titled “Share Transfers in Private International Law” (earned Ph.D. degree) between the years of 2004 - 2010. She worked as a freelance translator in New York while pursuing academic research between the years of 2010 - 2013. She was appointed as an assistant professor at İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Law in 2013. Currently, she continues her academic studies in private international law and European Union law.

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2016 | Hakem Kararlarının Tanınması ve Tenfizinde Yabancılık Unsuru | Akduman, Ebru |
2 | 2023 | Tahkim Anlaşmasının Asıl Sözleşmeden Ayrılabilirliği İlkesi Çerçevesinde Geçerliliği | Akduman, Ebru |
3 | 2020 | Türk Mahkemelerinin Münhasır Yetkisi | Akduman, Ebru |
4 | 2020 | Uluslararası Çocuk Kaçırmanın Hukuki Yönlerine Dair Lahey Sözleşmesi Uyarınca Koruma ve Ziyaret Hakkı | Akduman, Ebru |
5 | 2022 | Uluslararası Nafaka Alacaklarında Uygulanacak Hukuk ve Tahsil Prosedürü | Akduman, Ebru |
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