Adisönmez, Umut Can
Middle Eastern Politics
Ontological Security
International Relations
Adısönmez doktora projesini yürütmek için “Vice Chancellor Scholarship” (2017-2020) ile ödüllendirildi. Lund Üniversitesi'ndeki Küresel Çalışmalar alanında yaptığı yüksek lisans programı ise “Lund University Global Scholarship” (2016-2017) ile ödüllendirildi. Adısönmez lisans derecesini Bilkent Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümünden aldı.
Adısönmez’in ana araştırma alanları Uİ’deki duygular literatürü; siyaset psikolojisi; etnisite ve kimlik; çatışma analizi; ve Ortadoğu siyasetidir. En son çalışmaları Political Psychology, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Middle East Critique, Uluslararası İlişkiler/International Relations ve Asian Politics & Policy gibi uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanmıştır. Adısönmez aynı zamanda Alternatives: Global, Local, Political dergisinin yayın kurulu üyesidir.
Adisonmez is Assistant Professor at the Political Science and International Relations Department of Izmir University of Economics. He received his PhD in International Relations from the University of Kent, UK. Prior to joining Izmir University of Economics, he worked as Visiting Lecturer at City, University of London (2019-2021) and Assistant Lecturer at University of Kent (2017-2021).
He was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Research Scholarship (2017-2020) to pursue his PhD project. Previously, Adisonmez was awarded Lund University Global Scholarship (2016-2017) during his MA programme in Global Studies at Lund University. He received his BA in International Relations from Bilkent University.
Adisonmez’s main research areas are emotions in IR; political psychology; ethnicity and identity; conflict analysis; and Middle Eastern politics. His works have been published in various edited volumes and international peer-reviewed journals such as Political Psychology, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Middle East Critique, Uluslararası İlişkiler/International Relations and Asian Politics & Policy. He is an editorial board member of Alternatives: Global, Local, Political journal.

Date issued
Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2022 | Between Crises and Fragile Stability: Turkiye-Israel Affairs | Adisonmez, Umut Can ; Oztig, Lacin Idil |
2 | 2024 | Old Wine in a New Bottle: Navigating Religion and Politics in Turkiye | Öztığ, Laçin İdil; Adisonmez, Umut Can |
3 | 2024 | A Psychoanalytic Approach To Turkish Foreign Policy: Crisis, Disorder, and Disorientation | Adısönmez, Umut Can ; Öztığ, Laçin İdil |
4 | 2022 | Quest for Regional Hegemony: the Politics of Ontological Insecurity in the Saudi-Iran Rivalry | Adisonmez, Umut Can ; Onursal, Recep; Oztig, Lacin Idil |
5 | 2022 | Strong, but Anxious State: the Fantasmatic Narratives on Ontological Insecurity and Anxiety in Turkey | Adisonmez, Umut Can ; Onursal, Recep |
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