Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Esin Çağlayan, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi’ndeki kariyerini, 2015 yılından bu yana Öğretme ve Öğrenme Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (EKOEĞİTİM-TLC) Müdürü olarak sürdürmektedir. Akademik ilgi alanları ölçme ve değerlendirme, eğitim teknolojileri, öğretim tasarımı, öğrenme analitiği ve örgütsel davranıştır.
Asst. Prof. Esin Caglayan graduated from Bogazici University, Faculty of Education, Department of English Language Teaching. After graduation she worked in several schools as an English Language teacher and head of department. She joined Izmir University of Economics, School of Foreign Languages in 2002. She worked as a Level Coordinator between 2003 and 2009, as Head of Testing Unit between 2009 and 2014 and as the Head of Preparatory Programs between 2015-2020. She obtained her Teacher Trainer Certificate from British Council in 2006. She received her MA degree in Educational Administration and Supervision from Dokuz Eylul University in 2008 and her Ph.D. degree in the same program in 2014.
Asst. Prof. Esin Caglayan has been working at Izmir University of Economics as Director of Teaching and Learning Center Research and Application Center (EKOEĞİTİM-TLC) since 2015. Her academic interests are assessment and evaluation, educational technologies, instructional design, learning analytics and organizational behavior.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2024 | Alternative E-Assessment in Language Classes: Recent Experiences and Future Directions | Çağlayan, Esin |
2 | 2023 | Entrepreneurship in Times of Adversity Through the Lens of University Students | Çağlayan, Esin ; Uçel, Ela Burcu |
3 | 2014 | Öğretim Elemanlarının Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışları ile Örgütsel Adalet Algıları Arasındaki İlişki | Çağlayan, Esin |
4 | 2021 | A Study Exploring Students' Usage Patterns and Adoption of Lecture Capture | Caglayan, Esin ; Ustunluoglu, Evrim |
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