Kılıç, Didem Kan
Kan Kılıç, Di̇dem
Kılıç, Di̇dem Kan
Born in Denizli in 1982. Received her bachelor degree in Architecture from İZTECH in 2006; her M.Des degree in Design Studies from İUE in 2009 and completed her thesis process in Scotland, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. She received her Ph.D degree in Architecture from İZTECH in 2016 and completed her PhD thesis process in Lisbon. Between the years 2006-2011, she worked as a research assistant at IUE Department of IAED, between the years 2011-2017 she worked as an instructor and until 2017 and she has been working as Assistant Professor at the same department. She teaches "Future Interior Architecture Studies", "Graduation Project", "Graduation Thesis" and "Collective Act-Social Responsibility Project". "Cognitive design" and "non-visual aspects of spatial knowledge" are among her research interests.

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