Nasır, Esra
Esra Bici Nasır, who graduated from METU Industrial Design Department, completed her master's and doctoral degrees in ITU Industrial Design Department programs. In his master's thesis, Nasır examined the comparison of footwear design in terms of industrial design and fashion design disciplines. Five years of professional design experience, including promotional products, shoes and saddlery designs, brought Nasır patented designs registered to her name, Having been in academic work-life since 2008, Dr. Nasır worked as a research assistant in the Industrial Design departments of Doğuş and Bahçeşehir Universities, and became one of the founding faculty members of the Visual Communication Design Department of Istanbul Medipol University in 2016. Nasır, who has research focus such as design ethnography, domesticity, material culture and design history, has published articles, papers and book chapters in the specified fields. Nasır, whose major international journals are Home Cultures: Architecture, Design and Domestic Space, International Journal of Food Design and Intercultural Understanding, has also been a referee for academic journals such as Design and Culture, Artifact, Journal of Design History, Footprint. Nasır, who also has essays on design in contemporary magazines such as Arredamento, XXI, Betonart, Radikal Tasarım Newspaper, Manifold, has collaborated with institutions such as Design Workshop Kadıköy, Iyi Tasarım İzmir, Üretimhane with events such as workshops and seminars. Nasır, who has moved toIzmir in 2017, is currently, a faculty member at Izmir University of Economics, Department of Industrial Design, being the advisor of the department's student community, THINK-ID club as well. In 2021, Nasır has been one of the winners of the Salt Research Grants with the research project entitled as "Sumerbank Carpet Designs As A Path for Modernization in 1960s". Nasır took part in the SOGEP Social Development Support Program - Karabağlar Furniture Academy project for Women and Youth in 2021-2022. Nasır, is a member of the national professional organizations ETMK and 4T; and the Design History Society, an international society.

Date issued
Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2023 | Domestic Space in France and Belgium: Art, Literature and Design (1850-1920) | Bici Nasır, Esra |
2 | 2023 | Design Dispersed: Forms of Migration and Flight | Bici Nasır, Esra ; Doğramacı, Burcu; Pinther, Kerstin |
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