Anagun, A. S.
Anagun, A. Sermet
Anagun, AS
Bir dizi akademik (editörler kurulu üyeliği, düzenleme kurulu üyeliği, BAP projelerinde görev alma, hakemlik, panelistlik, vb.) ve dari görevlerde (Bölüm Başkan Yadımcısı, Fakülte Kurulu Üyeliği, Üniversite Erasmus Koordinatörü, Dekan Yardımcısı, Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliği, Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı, Üniversite KOSGEB temsilcisi) bulundu. 2015-2017 yıllarında Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkanlığı görevini yürüttü. Eylül 2017 itibariyle İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü’ne katıldı.
Prof. Dr. Sermet Anagün İstatistiksel analiz, Kalite Kontrol ve Tahminleme konularında dersler vermekte olup, özellikle derslerinde GMDH Shell (https://gmdhsoftware.com/) kullanmaktadır.
He graduated from Anadolu University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Industrial Engineering Department in 1982. He started his academic career as a "Research Assistant" in the same department as of June 1983. After graduating from a Master Degree program in 1985, he started his doctorate education at the same university. During his PhD, he taught individual lessons as a Lecturer. After his doctorate qualification, he went to the United States with a "YÖK scholarship" and started his doctorate education at Cleveland State University. He worked as a "Research Assistant" at Cleveland State University Industrial Engineering Department between 1990-1993. He successfully completed his thesis titled "Apnea Recognition Using Neural Networks" and returned home in January 1994.
In a number of academic (editorial board membership, organizing board membership, taking part in BAP projects, refereeing, panelism, etc.) and administrative duties (Head of Department, Faculty Board Member, University Erasmus Coordinator, Vice Dean, Faculty Board Member, University KOSGEB representative). He worked as the Head of Industrial Engineering Department of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture in 2015-2017. As of September 2017, he joined Izmir University of Economics, Department of Industrial Engineering.
Prof. Sermet Anagun is teaching courses related to Statistical Analysis, Quality Control and Forecasting, and specifically used GMDH Shell software (https://gmdhsoftware.com/) for his courses.

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