Liechtenstein Savcılığı ve Mahkemesi’nde, Vorarlberg İşçiler Odası’nda, Gümrük İdaresi Başkanlığı Feldkirch/Wolfurt’da görev yapmıştır.
Anadili düzeyinde Almanca, iyi derece İngilizce orta derece Fransızca ve Latince bilmektedir.
Arzu Aşçı was born in Austria in 1984. She was graduated from Gymnasium Schillerstrasse Feldkirch. She has received her Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in 2008 from Leopold Franzens University (İnnsbruck) Faculty of Law where she studied on a state scholarship. In 2008, she completed her law internship in Feldkirch Court. She has received her Ph.D in 2014 from Public Law Doctoral Program of Leopold Franzens University (İnnsbruck).
She worked as an attorney in Liechtenstein Prosecution Office and Court, Chamber of Labourer, Administration of The Customs in Feldkirch/Wolfurt.
She knows German language as Native language, English in advanced level and in intermediate French and Latin.

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