Coming from a dual background in engineering and management. Assoc.Prof. in management & organizations field. After studying engineering in Bilkent University, Tampere Institute of Technology (Finland), and Eastern Mediterranean University (Cyprus), I have worked as a software engineer in the industry developing ERP and industrial automation systems. After working in the U.S. during the dotcom boom, I have returned to the academia. I have received my PhD in Management and organizations field in 2009, and became an associate professor in the same field in 2014. I have assumed administrative posts in addition to teaching. Currently I am working on innovation management and strategy, structural and discourse analysis of business organizations, and business analytics fields. In addition to funded research, I work with industry firms and entrepreneurial organizations to keep my research in close touch with the field.

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2023 | Agile Approach as an Answer To Internal Uncertainty: a Case Study in Large-Scale Manufacturing | Özgen, A.; Gençer, Mehmet |
2 | 2023 | An Index for Measuring Spatial Graph Dispersion in Socio-Economic Networks | Gencer, Mehmet |
3 | 2018 | Listening To the Organization: Change Evaluation With Discourse Analysis | Akarsu, Ozgur; Gencer, Mehmet ; Yildirim, Savas |
4 | 2019 | Marketing Concept Evolution: a Bibliometrics Co-Occurrence Analysis | Taqi, Muhammad; Gurkaynak, Nilgun ; Gencer, Mehmet |
5 | 2023 | Migrants as Dissonant Harmony-Seekers and Migrant Life in Foam | Kars-Unluoglu, Selen; Cangarli, Burcu Guneri ; Yurt, Oznur ; Gencer, Mehmet |
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