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Title: Children's Stereotypical Gendered Behaviours in Outdoor Educational Play Environments
Authors: Isci, Beril
Hasirci, Deniz
Keywords: Children
play environment
Publisher: Iated-Int Assoc Technology Education & Development
Abstract: The aim of this study is to understand how gender-typed and gender-neutral play environments affect children's behaviour. Thus, individual and group play attitudes are investigated in relation to playground design. Preschool children spend their most of the time with free time activities. The learning process gains importance in those activities according to their preferences in choosing play, peer and environment. In early childhood ages, they learn their stereotypical gender behaviour in related to their cultural and parental background, which affects their attitudes in their social interaction. Between 5 and 8 years, children learn their gender identity, developing confidence and ability according to gender. Within this context, the study aims to analyse if the design of outdoor playground environments can reduce gender discrimination by learning children's preferences in gender-neutral and gender-typed environments according to playground equipment. In order to start thinking about reducing gender segregation in early childhood ages, this study aims to understand how playground design affects types of games. Learning children's preferences and attitudes with behavioural mapping and observational checklist for determined individual and group play behaviours may help to for designing gender-neutral playgrounds. Research results may have implications for the design of gender-neutral playgrounds that provide various opportunities for group play for the early childhood period and help reduce gender discrimination by creating awareness on stereotypical gender norms.
Description: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED) -- MAR 02-04, 2020 -- Valencia, SPAIN
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
Appears in Collections:WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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