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Title: Management of Gallbladder Polyps: a Tertiary Center Experience
Authors: Aydın, Cengiz
Üstün, Mehmet
Karaca, Avni Can
Abstract: Objective: The main purpose of the management of gallbladder polyps is to establish an early diagnosis and toprevent the development of gallbladder cancer.Methods: Fifty-six patients who underwent cholecystectomy with the diagnosis of gallbladder polyp betweenJanuary 2012 and September 2018, were retrospectively evaluated.Results: Twenty-one patients (39.3%) were female and 34 (60.7%) were male. The indications for cholecystectomywere ? 10 mm polyps in (n=22, 39.3%), increase in polyp size during follow-up (n=8, 14.3%), symptomatic polypssmaller than 10 mm (n=24, 42.9%), polyps smaller than 10 mm with concomitant risk factors (n=2, 3.6%).Histopathological examination of gallbladders revealed the presence of cholesterol polyps in 51 (91.1%), inflammatory polyps in 1 (1.8%), and adenoma in 1 (1.8%) patient. Three patients (5.4%) had no polyps and only gallstoneswere detected. Malignancy was not detected in any patient.Conclusion: The management of gallbladder polyps is still a controversial issue. The recommendations publishedin guidelines, can be used as a guide in the management of gallbladder polyps. The characteristics of symptomsand their response to cholecystectomy should be evaluated in symptomatic cases.
ISSN: 1305-7073
Appears in Collections:TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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