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Title: In the Context of the Digital Public Sphere the Great Hack: : a Big Data-Focused Analysis
Other Titles: Dijital Kamusal Alan Bağlamında The Great Hack: Büyük Veri Odaklı Bir Analiz
Authors: Tos, Onur
Ercifci, Aytunç
Keywords: Big Data
Digital Public Sphere
Documentary Film
Grounded Theory
The Great Hack.
Publisher: Marmara univ, fac communication
Abstract: Big data components are shaping the digital public sphere. The areas of use for big data components in the digital public sphere are expanding, and in this context, new digital possibilities affecting social life are increasing. This study focuses on the documentary film The Great Hack, , directed by J. Noujaim and K. Amer, which was released on the Netflix platform in 2019. The aim of the study is to identify the elements of the concept of digital public space and big data components in The Great Hack documentary film that shape the film and the narrative. It also aims to identify the embedded meanings underlying these elements. The main research question is: What are the open, axial, and selective coding transfers in the documentary film using the grounded theory approach? The data collection technique for the research is document analysis. The method of analysis is the grounded theory design, which can be used in qualitative research processes. Open, axial, and selective coding of the interaction of digital public space and big data is performed using the grounded theory pattern, adhering to the documentary film's style and narrative. In addition, themes, categories, and codes between the concepts are identified, and the connections and interactions between them are explained. As a result of the analyses, it was determined that digital media and digital traces were emphasized in the documentary film's style and narrative. Additionally, in the interaction of digital public space and big data components in the documentary film, it was found that digitalization, people's personal profiles, privacy, and data collection and processing processes are highlighted.
ISSN: 2630-6220
Appears in Collections:TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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