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Title: Numerical Evaluation of the Performance of Uhpc Beams Under Bending and Shear Loads Using Different Material Models
Authors: Akin-Adamu, Ayodele
Yalçinkaya, Çağlar
Merter, Onur
Abstract: The Microplane and Menetrey-Willam concrete models are formulated on the research work of Bazant and Gambarova and Menetrey-Willam in the nineties respectively. They are used in this thesis to predict how reinforced Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) beams will behave when subjected to flexural and shear dominant loadings. The numerical models are available in ANSYS, and they can simulate UHPC's extraordinary mechanical properties, such as high compression and tension strength, strain hardening, and softening behavior in compression and tension. In this research, four UHPC beams with dimensions of 180 wide by 270 deep by 4000 mm long with tensile reinforcements were studied using the two cementitious composite models mentioned above with the ANSYS software. The beams were investigated under flexural four-point loading and shear three-point loading with the ANSYS program. A quarter-geometric section model of the full beam was considered for the four-point loading to take advantage of symmetry in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the beam. For the three-point loading, the full geometry model of the beam was considered only because of the lack of symmetry. The results from the ANSYS finite element software were validated with an experimental study conducted by different researchers to show its capacity to predict the bending and shear behavior of reinforced UHPC beams. The comparisons of the results of both material models show that they can simulate the behavior of UHPC beams by using experimental load-deflection plots of the beam specimens and force strain plots of the longitudinal tensile reinforcements in the sample beams.
Appears in Collections:TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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