| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
301 | 2013 | Stability and Invariant Manifolds of a Generalized Beddington Host-Parasitoid Model | Kapcak, Sinan; Ufuktepe, Unal ; Elaydi, Saber |
302 | 2009 | Stability and Periodicity in Dynamic Delay Equations | Adıvar, Murat ; Raffoul, Youssef N. |
303 | 2022 | STABILIZERS ON SHEFFER STROKE BL-ALGEBRAS | Katıcan Tuğçe ; Oner, Tahsin; Saeid, Arsham Borumand |
304 | 2012 | Start-Up Demonstration Test Based on Total Successes and Total Failures With Dependent Start-Ups | Yalcin, Femin ; Eryılmaz, Serkan |
305 | 2014 | Stochastic Comparisons of Order Statistics and Their Concomitants | Bairamov, Ismihan ; Khaledi, Baha-Eldin; Shaked, Moshe |
306 | 2015 | Stress Strength Reliability in the Presence of Fuzziness | Eryılmaz, Serkan ; Tütüncü, Gözde Yazgı |
307 | 2019 | Structural Stability and Stabilization of Solutions of the Reversible Three-Component Gray-Scott System | Kalantarova, Jamila ; Ugurlu, Davut |
308 | 2016 | The Structure of Modular Generalized Invariants | Erkuş, DENİZ ERDEMİRCİ ; Madran, Ugur |
309 | 2022 | Study Strong Sheffer Stroke Non-Associative Mv-Algebras by Fuzzy Filters | Oner, Tahsin; Katıcan Tuğçe ; Borumand Saeid, Arsham |
310 | 2007 | Success Runs in a Sequence of Exchangeable Binary Trials | Eryılmaz, Serkan ; Demir, Sevcan |
311 | 2020 | Taylor Wavelet Solution of Linear and Nonlinear Lane-Emden Equations | Gumgum, Sevin |
312 | 2011 | Unification of Calculus on Time Scales With Mathematica | Ufuktepe, Ünal ; Kapcak, Sinan |
313 | 2015 | Unification of Integrable Q-Difference Equations | Silindir, Burcu ; Soyoglu, Duygu |
314 | 2017 | Unification of Integrable Q-Difference Equations [doctoral Thesis] | Soyoğlu, Duygu |
315 | 2012 | Unification of Probability Theory on Time Scales | Ufuktepe, Unal |
316 | 2017 | Urban and Rural Differences in Hypertension Risk Factors in Turkey | Dastan, Ilker; Erem, Ayşegül ; Cetinkaya, Volkan |
317 | 2009 | A Visual Interactive Approach To Classical and Mixed Vehicle Routing Problems With Backhauls | Tütüncü, Gözde Yazgı ; Carreto, Carlos A. C.; Baker, Barrie M. |
318 | 2009 | Waiting Times of Exceedances in Random Threshold Models | Bairamov, Ismihan ; Eryılmaz, Serkan |
319 | 2015 | Weak Solutions of a Hyperbolic-Type Partial Dynamic Equation in Banach Spaces | Yantir, Ahmet; Soyoğlu, Duygu |