| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
281 | 2016 | Signature Based Reliability Analysis of Repairable Weighted K-Out Systems | Franko, Ceki ; Tütüncü, Gözde Yazgı |
282 | 2007 | Singular Integrals of the Time Harmonic Maxwell Equations Theory on a Piecewise Liapunov Surface | Schneider, Baruch |
283 | 2005 | Singular Integrals of the Time-Harmonic Relativistic Dirac Equation on a Piecewise Liapunov Surface | Schneider, Baruch |
284 | 2012 | Soliton Solutions of Q-Toda Lattice by Hirota Direct Method | Silindir, Burcu |
285 | 2005 | Solutions of the Gaudin Equation and Gaudin Algebras | Balantekin, AB; Dereli, T; Pehlivan, Yamac |
286 | 2010 | Solvability Conditions and Monotone Iterative Scheme for Boundary-Value Problems Related To Nonlinear Monotone Potential Operators | Özbilge Kahveci, Ebru |
287 | 2011 | Solvability Conditions Related To Nonlinear Monotone Potential Operators | Özbilge Kahveci, Ebru |
288 | 2012 | Some Notes on the Poincare-Bertrand Formula | Schneider, Baruch |
289 | 2013 | Some Novel Discrete Distributions Under Fourfold Sampling Schemes and Conditional Bivariate Order Statistics | Bayramoğlu, İsmihan ; Kemalbay, Gulder |
290 | 2006 | Some Properties of a Cauchy-Type Integral for the Moisil-Theodoresco System of Partial Differential Equations | Schneider B. |
291 | 2004 | Some Properties of the Cauchy-Type Integral for the Laplace Vector Fields Theory | Schneider, B ; Shapiro, M |
292 | 2011 | Some Properties of the Clifford Cauchy Type Integrals Associated To Helmholtz Equation on a Piecewise Lyapunov Surfaces in R-M | Schneider, Baruch |
293 | 2006 | Some Results Associated With the Longest Run Statistic in a Sequence of Markov Dependent Trials | Eryılmaz, Serkan |
294 | 2006 | Spacings, Exceedances and Concomitants in Progressive Type Ii Censoring Scheme | Bairamov, I ; Eryılmaz, Serkan |
295 | 2002 | Special Precovers in Cotorsion Theories | Akinci, Karen D. ; Alizade, R |
296 | 2006 | Spectral Analysis of Q-Difference Equations With Spectral Singularities | Adivar, M ; Bohner, M |
297 | 2013 | Stability Analysis of a Host Parasite Model | Ufuktepe, Unal ; Kapcak, Sinan |
298 | 2019 | Stability Analysis of a Prey Refuge Predator-Prey Model With Allee Effects | Ufuktepe, Ünal ; Külahçioğlu, Burçin ; Akman, Olcay |
299 | 2015 | Stability Analysis of the Beddington Model With Allee Effect | Ufuktepe U. ; Kapçak S.; Akman, Olcay |
300 | 2013 | Stability and Invariant Manifold for a Predator-Prey Model With Allee Effect | Ufuktepe, Unal ; Kapcak, Sinan; Akman, Olcay |