Ayna Duran, Assist. Prof. Dr. Gizem
Ayna, Duran, G.
Dr. Gizem Ayna Duran graduated from Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering between 2000-2004 as the fourth in the department. Then, she completed her master's degree at Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Medical Biology and Genetics between 2004-2006. She completed her doctorate education and research studies in Debrecen University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, in Hungary, with the European Union Marie Curie Project, which is the 6th Framework Program, between 2007-2012. Dr. Gizem Ayna Duran's research subjects and specialties are cell death mechanisms, especially autophagy, cell death-based immune system responses in cancers, detection of differentiated gene intensity levels and survival analysis by using bioinformatics methods in diseases, especially cancers. Dr. Duran has academic publications in prestigious journals indexed in the Web of Science, research articles presented in national and international congresses, and national/international book chapters.

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