Tirnakli, U.
Tirnakli, U
Başlıca ilgi alanları istatistiksel fizik, dinamik sistemler ve kaos ile veri analizi olarak özetlenebilir.
2001 yılında TÜBA Seçkin Genç Bilimci, 2007 yılında da TÜBİTAK Bilim Teşvik Ödülünü alan Prof. Dr. Uğur TIRNAKLI 2012 yılından beri Bilim Akademisi'nin seçilmiş üyesidir.
2023 Mayıs ayı itibarıyla, WOS kayıtlarına göre, 76 adet SCI makalesi, bu makalelere 1286 adet atıfı bulunmakta olup h-index parametresi 20'dir.
Prof. TIRNAKLI completed high school in İzmir, Bornova Anadolu Lisesi. He has got his PhD from Ege University Physics Department in 1998. After his 1 year postdoc research in CBPF, Brazil, he jointed the same Department and in 2006 he became a professor. In 2022, he retired from Ege University and immediately joined İzmir University of Economics.
His most dominant research topics can be classified as statistical physics, dynamical systems and chaos, as well as data analysis.
His scientific research has been awarded by TUBA and TÜBİTAK in 2001 and 2007 respectively. He has also been elected as a member of Science Academy in 2012.
Due to WOS, as of May 2023, he has 77 research papers, 1286 citations and 20 h-index.

Date issued
Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2024 | Energy Distributions of Frenkel-Kontorova Atomic Chains: Transition From Conservative To Dissipative Dynamics | Afsar, Özgür; Tırnaklı, Uğur |
2 | 2023 | First-Principle Validation of Fourier's Law in D=1, 2, 3 Classical Systems | Tsallis, Constantino; Lima, Henrique Santos; Tırnaklı, Uğur ; Eroğlu, Deniz |
3 | 2023 | Multiple Waves of Covid-19: a Pathway Model Approach | Vasconcelos, Giovani L.; Pessoa, Nathan L.; Silva, Natan B.; Macedo, Antonio M. S.; Brum, Arthur A.; Ospina, Raydonal; Tirnakli, Ugur |
4 | 2023 | Necessary Condition of Self-Organisation in Nonextensive Open Systems | Afşar, Ozgur; Tırnaklı, Uğur |
5 | 2023 | Nonextensive Footprints in Dissipative and Conservative Dynamical Systems | Rodriguez, Antonio; Pluchino, Alessandro; Tirnakli, Ugur ; Rapisarda, Andrea; Tsallis, Constantino |
6 | 2024 | Statistical Mechanical Characterization of Billiard Systems | Cetin, K.; Tırnaklı, Uğur ; Oliveira, D.F.M.; Leonel, E.D. |
7 | 2024 | The Statistics of Q-Statistics | Eroglu, Deniz; Boghosian, Bruce M.; Borges, Ernesto P.; Tirnakli, Ugur |
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