Öğce, Ummahan Filiz
Akademisyenlik hayatına 2001-2013 yılları arasında Ege Üniversitesi İzmir Atatürk Sağlık Yüksekokulunda devam eden Doç. Dr. Filiz Öğce Aktaş, 2013 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesinde çalışmaya başladı ve aynı yıl 40/b ile görevlendirilerek İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi ve Hemşirelik Bölümünün kurulmasında yer aldı.
Doçentliğini 2010 yılında aldı ve YÖK bursu ile Melbourne Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Hemşirelik bölümünde Prof. Dr. Nick Santamaria ile yara iyileşmesi konusunda çalışmalar yaptı. Profesör kadrosuna 2015 yılında atanan Filiz Öğce Aktaş, Ortopedi, Üroloji, Ameliyathane, Yara ve Cerrahi Alan Enfeksiyonları alanlarında çalışmalarını yoğunlaştırmıştır. 2014 yılından itibaren Türk Cerrahi ve Ameliyathane Hemşireliği Derneği başkanlığını yürüten ÖĞCE AKTAŞ, Avrupa Ameliyathane Hemşireleri Derneği EORNA ve Ameliyathane Hemşireleri Federasyonu IFPN’nin Türkiye temsilcisidir.
After receiving her undergraduate degree from Ege University in 1990, she went on to obtain her Master degree in 1998 and her PhD degree in 2004 in the field of surgical nursing at Ege University Health Sciences Institute. Between 1990 - 2001, she worked at Ege University Hospital, in the Orthopedics & Traumatology and Chest Diseases Departments.
In 2001, she began her academic career as a research assistant at Ege University Ataturk School of Health. In 2010, she was awarded the title of Associate professor and in 2015 was appointed as a professor.
She started working at the Faculty of Nursing in Ege University in 2013 and was appointed 40/b. In the same year, she took part in the establishment of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing Department at the Izmir University of Economics. In 2014, after the opening of the faculty, she started working at İzmir University of Economics and is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
During her career, Professor Ogce Aktas has been an active in her field; she studied with Prof. Nick Santamaria on wound healing at the University of Melbourne through YOK scholarships in 2010 and 2012. In addition, she has been the chairman of the Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses Association since 2014. She is also the representative for Türkiye of the European Association of Operating Room Nurses (EORNA) and the International Federation of Perioperative Nurses (IFPN).

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