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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 650
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Effect of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Instillation Timing on Oncological Survivals After Transurethral Resection of Bladder TumorÇetin, T.; Bolat, D.; Akgül, M.; Yazıcı, S.; Aslan, G.; Akan, S.; Bayazıt, Y.
2024Basic Science and PathogenesisNoce, G.; Percio, C.D.; Lizio, R.; Lopez, S.; Jakhar, D.; Güntekin, B.; Babiloni, C.
2024A New Environmental Public Health Practice To Manage Current and Future Global Health Challenges Through Education, Training, and Capacity BuildingLeonardi, Giovanni S.; Zeka, Ariana; Ashworth, Matthew; Bouland, Catherine; Crabbe, Helen; Duarte-Davidson, Raquel; Lauriola, Paolo
2024Building Competency To Deal With Environmental Health Challenges: Experiences and a ProposalLeonardi, Giovanni S.; Zeka, Ariana; Ashworth, Matthew; Bouland, Catherine; Crabbe, Helen; Duarte-Davidson, Raquel; Lauriola, Paolo
2024Treatment Patterns and Attrition in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: Real-Life Experience From the Turkish Oncology Group Kidney Cancer Consortium (tkcc) DatabaseBolek, Hatice; Sertesen, Elif; Kuzu, Omer Faruk; Tural, Deniz; Sim, Saadet; Sendur, Mehmet Ali Nahit; Urun, Yuksel
2024Virtual Reality Interventions and Psychosocial Functioning in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: a Systematic ReviewHosgelen, Emine Ilgin; Guneri, Sinem; Erdeniz, Burak ; Alptekin, Koksal
2024Correlation and Agreement Between the Score2 and Prevent 10-Year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Scores: Insights From Coronary Computed Tomography AngiographyOzpelit, Mehmet Emre ; Colak, Ayse; Uzumcu, Hatice Irem; Kumral, Zeynep; Ozpelit, Ebru
2024Love as a Commitment DeviceKowal, Marta; Bode, Adam; Koszalkowska, Karolina; Roberts, S. Craig; Gjoneska, Biljana; Frederick, David; Sorokowski, Piotr
2025A Mixed-Method Study on Physicians' Perceptions of Pay for Performance: Impact on Professionalism, Morality and Work-Life BalanceKavas, Mustafa Volkan ; Tut, Hasan; Senyurek, Gamze; Elhan, Atilla Halil
2025Bioinformatics Based Drug Repurposing Approach for Breast and Gynecological Cancers: Recql4/Fam13c Genes Address Common Hub Genes and DrugsDuran, Gizem Ayna 
2024Magnitude-Space Representations in the N-Back Task: Long-Term Representations of Magnitudes Alter the Working Memory PerformanceHepdarcan, Ilgim; Cetinkaya, Hakan; Dural, Seda 
2024Resilience of Primary Healthcare Facilities: Experiences From 16 European Countries During the Covid-19 Pandemic. a Mixed-Methods Study Conducted by EuripaPetrazzuoli, Ferdinando; Gokdemir, Ozden ; Antonopoulou, Maria; Blahova, Beata; Mrduljas-Dujic, Natasa; Dumitra, Gindrovel G.; Kurpas, Donata
2024Differential Diagnosis of Submucosal Gastric Tumors: Gastric Schwannomas Misdiagnosed as GistsUnver, Mutlu; Ertekin, Suleyman Caglar; Kebapci, Eyup; Olmez, Mustafa; Ergin, Erhan; Ozturk, Safak; Ortac, Ragip
2024From Concept To Impact: Strategic Guidelines for Environmental Behavior Change InterventionsBiresselioglu, Mehmet Efe ; Demir, Muhittin Hakan 
2024Using Technology To Predict the Future of Biomedical EducationHarris, Robert A.; Kazdagli, Hasan 
2025Breast Cancer Recurrence in Initially Clinically Node-Positive Patients Undergoing Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in the Neosentiturk-Trials Mf18-02/18-03Cabioglu, Neslihan; Karanlik, Hasan; Igci, Abdullah; Muslumanoglu, Mahmut; Gulcelik, Mehmet Ali; Uras, Cihan; Ozmen, Vahit
2024Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia Knowledge Scale (bpsd-T): a Psychometric Evaluation Among CaregiversUysal, Hasan Armagan; Gulluoglu, Halil ; Poyraz, Turan ; Basaran, Simay; Var, Levent; Eskut, Neslihan
2025A Simple and Efficient "Cell in Situ Collagen Zymography" Technique To Evaluate Cellular Collagenase Activities in Thyroid Cancer Cell LinesSavas, Ege Gokce; Surer, Seniz Inanc; Sipahi, Murat; Keles, Didem ; Oktay, Gulgun
2024Reliability and Construct Validity of Three Self-Report Questionnaires Assessing Dual-Task Difficulties in People With Multiple Sclerosis: an International StudyAbasıyanık, Z.; Pedullà, L.; Kahraman, T.; D'Hooge, M.; Santoyo-Medina, C.; Soler, B.; Feys, P.
2024Effect of Telerehabilitation-Based Motor Imagery Training on Pain and Related Factors in People With Multiple Sclerosis: Randomized Controlled Pilot TrialKarakas, H.; Kahraman, T.; Ozdogar, A.T.; Baba, C.; Ozakbas, S. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 650