Ertürk, Nesrin Oruç
Erturk, Nesrin Oruc
Oruc, Nesrin
Working at Izmir University of Economics, School of Foreign Languages since 2008, Nesrin Oruç Ertürk has earned her PhD degree from Anadolu University in 2007, assigned as an Assoc. Prof. Dr. in 2014 and appointed as Prof. Dr. in 2019. She has worked as the Undergraduate English Program Coordinator between 2011 and 2015. In 2003, she got a one-year Fulbright Scholarship to work as a Foreign Language Teaching Assistant at the State University of New York (SUNY), at Binghamton, New York, USA. Between 2005 and 2008 she worked at Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Faculty of Education, English Language Teaching Department. Since 2015, she has been assigned as the director of the EKOSEM (İzmir University of Economics, Continuing Education Center) and is a member of the Executive Board of TUSEM (Türkiye Sürekli Eğitim Merkezleri Konseyi). Teaching as an adjunct Professor for University of Maryland since 2008, Prof. Oruç Ertürk has taught many hybrid and live stream classes. She has certificates from University of Maryland University College on WebTycho Online Teaching (2009), TESOL Online Professional Development Program “The Basics of Online Instruction” and “Advance Course of Online Teaching” (2001). She is among the Academic delegate of Turkish Educational Sciences Journal (2008), Member of Editorial Board of Journal of International Social Research (2010), and Member of Board of Reviewers of Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language Journal (TESL-EJ) since 2011. She has articles published in both national and international journals and has attended numerous conferences.

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