Browsing by Type Doctoral Thesis

Showing results 1 to 84 of 84
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Achieving Turkey's Indc Target: Assessments by Multiplier Analysis, Computable General Equilibrium, and Structural Decomposition Analysis MethodsAlkan, Ayla
2019Adaptation of Zero-Waste Pattern Design Method To Fashion Industry With the Case of TurkeyEnes, Esra
2011An Attributional Approach for Consumer Evaluations in Logistics Customer Service Failure SituationsOflaç, Bengü 
2023Automated melanoma detection in dermoscopic imagesOkur, Erdem 
2017Bivariate Random Sequences and Exact and Asymptotic Distributions of Exceedance StatisticsErem, Ayşegül 
2021Blue voyage as a service designTuran, Bülent İbrahim
2009Bullying Behaviors as Organizational Political TacticsÇangarlı, Burcu Güneri 
2014Comparison of Financial Distress Models Across Emerging MarketsÖz, İbrahim Onur
2010A Comparison of the Current and Desired Managerial Leadership Styles in TurkeyAtan, Tarık
2011Consistency of Consumers' Sequential Choices in the Presence of Conflicting GoalsTuğrul, Tuğba 
2022Consumer Animosity as an Antecedent of Brand HateTaqı, Muhammad
2018Contamination at WorkplaceTatarlar, Ceren Deniz
2014Corporate Governance and Provisions Under Ias 37Acar, Özen Ece
2023A Creative and Innovative Design Approach To a Traditional Cuisine: A Comparative Study on Turkish CuisineÖzgönül, Sedef
2019Designing an Oil Curse Index (oci): Measuring the Oil Curse Tendency of the Countries Within an Economic Growth PerspectiveAkcura, Evrim Özyorulmaz
2023Designing the Sensory Tourist Experience: Spice BazaarTelek Altıparmakoğulları, Ceyda
2013Distribution Theory of Runs and Run-Related Statistics in Sequences of Dependent TrialsYalçın, Femin 
2023Dressing the Possible Futures: the Body and Dress in Social Science Fiction NarrativesTekcan, Eli̇f
2023Dynamics of Conflicts in Multi-Actor Logistics Service NetworksÖzcan, Seda 
2016Emergence of Sustainable Markets: Dynamics That Mobilize Actors To Seek Market Change in FashionErtekin, Zeynep 
2024Enhancing Mutation Testing: Search-Based Optimization To Improve Testing QualityUzunbayır, Serhat 
2017Envy at Workplace: an Exploratory StudyGünerergin, Mert
2019Essays on Energy, Co2 Emissions and Income Convergenceİsberk, Esra Onater
2016Essays on the Macroeconomics of Gender Equality in the Labor MarketKılınç, Dilara
2014Ethical Approaches Used by the Managers During the Judgment of Ethical Issues: an Empirical StudyPenbek, Şebnem
2024Exploring Extreme Disruptions and Resilience Capabilities in Fashion Supply ChainsŞerbetci̇oğlu Hıçkıran, Cemre 
2021Exploring the Effect of Social Media Influencers on Buyer Decision Process in Context of Insta-Momsİpekoğlu, Ece
2023Exploring the Stakeholder Involvement on Design Decisions in City Branding: the Case of İzmirÇevi̇ker Çınar, Gözde
2024Family photographs as 'memento', then and now: an analysis of the personal storytelling experience through Actor–Network TheoryKöseoğlu, Gamze
2023From Words To Sentences: Advancing Turkish Emotion Analysis Through Emotion EnrichmentAka Uymaz, Hande 
2015Generalized Invariants and Hilbert Ideal in Modular Invariant TheoryErkuş, DENİZ ERDEMİRCİ 
2023Generating Meaningful Interactions Between Non-Playable Game Characters for Adaptive GameplayUludağli, Muhtar Çağkan
2022Heuristic Approaches for Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problems With Heterogeneous Vehicle FleetKocatürk, Fatih
2019The Hidden Figures in Fashion: Bridging the Diversity Gap Between Consumers and ProducersÇavuşoğlu, Lena
2013How Does Behavior of Banks Affect Financial Instability an Agent Based Modeling ApproachArslan, İlker
2024Ifrs in the Context of Translation Issues: Insights From TürkiyeGürel, Beyza 
2021Impact of Accounting and Macro-Economic Indicators on Market Value of Firms Under Different Legal OrientationIrshad, Shoaıb
2023The Impact of Institutional Environment on Innovation Tendencies of Firms: a Failure Case StudyAktan, Adviye Ahenk
2018The Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards (i̇frs) Adoption on the Integration of Capital MarketsZahıd, Rana Muhammad Ammar
2007The Impact of Services Supply Chain Orientation on Percieved Industrial Service Quality: an Empirical AnalysisYurt, Öznur 
2017Information Technology, Its Market Value and Related Risks on Manufacturing and Service FirmsTayaksi̇, Cansu 
2024An Investigation of the Snarc and Snarc-Like Effects: Time-Dependent Effects of Compatible and Incompatible Stimulus-Response MappingsBulut, Merve 
2024Kawaii Horror: Deconstructing Uniformity and Representation of Women in Contemporary Japanese HorrorBayar, Hazal 
2016Labeling People as "disabled": a Production of Modern Society and the Role of MarketingCanbulut, Murad
2023Manufacturing and Re-Manufacturing Inventory Models With Imprecise Amount of Defective ItemsYüce, Gi̇zem
2020Mapping volatility spillovers in global currency marketYelkenci, Tezer
2015Marshall-Olkin Type Shock Models and Their ApplicationsÖzkut, Cemal Murat 
2021Measuring the Effectiveness of Hedging Strategies for Fx Risk in Turkish Electricity MarketUysal, Emin Tolga
2022Mechanically-Informed Computational Form-Finding for Biobased Materials in the Case of Bacterial CelluloseTurhan, Gözde Damla 
2010A Microstructural Approach To Intraday Analysis of Turkish Derivatives MarketAydoğan, Berna 
2017Mindful Consumption and Generation Y: Comprehension, Conceptualization, and CommunicationAktan, Damla 
2014Modeling the Exchange Rate and Interest Rate Intervention of Central Bank of the Republic of TurkeyCan, Emre
2013Modifications of Bivariate Binomial Distribution and Conditional Bivariate Order StatisticsKemalbay, Gülder
2021Multi-Channel, Multi-Level Framework for Bearing Fault Diagnosis in Electrical MachinesÖzcan, İbrahim Halil
2020A New Rna-Seq Data Classifier Based on Quantile TransformationKoçhan, Necla 
2013Objectification and Redirection of Desire: Exposure To Consumer Culture in the Low Income ContextŞahin, Dicle Yurdakul
2010Optimization and Simulation Models for Efficient Port Container Terminal ManagementUrsavaş Güldoğan, Evrim 
2013Order Statistics From Nonidentically Distributed Random Variables and ExceedancesGıner, Göknur
2024A Participatory Interior Design Method for a Learning Environment Through the Use of Social Media and Digital TechnologiesKeskin, Gökhan
2016Performance Assessment of a Factory Layout Design: Hybrid Multi Criteria Decision Making Model With an Application in the Elevator and Escalator CompanySağnak, Muhittin 
2019Population Dynamics With Allee and Refuge EffectsKülahçioğlu, Burçin 
2007Product Appearance and Brand Knowledge: an Analysis of Critical RelationshipsDemirbağ Kaplan, Melike 
2016Q-Floquet Theory and Its Extensions To Time Scales Periodic in ShiftsKoyuncuoglu, Halis Can
2024Reconfiguring household waste supply chains for circular value co-creationÖzdamar, Burçin 
2016Reliability of Systems With a Cold Standby ComponentFranko, Ceki 
2011Retail Store Performance Measurement Through Supply Chain PerspectiveYumurtacı Hüseyinoğlu, Işık Özge 
2010Risk Measures and Efficiency Scores of Publicly Traded Banks in New and Candidate European Union Countries' Stock MarketsVardar, Gülin 
2010The Role of Corporate Governance on Earnings Management: Quarterly Evidence From TurkeyKarai̇brahi̇moğlu, Yasemin 
2016Self Verification Strivings in Organizational SettingsUçel, Ela Burcu 
2015Service Supply Chain Approach for Service Failure and RecoveryYıldırım, Cansu 
2018Shipment Consolidation and Dispatching Problem With Transshipment TerminalsTokcaer, Sinem 
2015Signature-Based Reliability Analysis of SystemsKan, Cihangir
2013Stability and Bifurcation of Predator-Prey Models With the Allee EffectKapcak, Sinan
2022Student Participation in Project-Based Industrial Design EducationMerter, Sevi
2022Testing the Housing Bubble Condition: Empirical Analyses in the Turkish Housing MarketÖzgüler, İsmail Cem
2024The time-dependent effects of MNL compatible and incompatible stimulus-response relations under different representational contexts on magnitude-space associationsPalaz, Ezgi
2024Traditional Turkish Women's Clothing From the Province of Izmir in the 19th and 20th CenturiesAktaş, Ceren
2024Traditional Turkish Women's Clothing From the Province of Izmir in the 19th and 20th CenturiesAktaş, Ceren
2022Unconventional Monetary Policy Implementation in TurkeyÇelik, Mahmut
2020Understanding the Prospective Role of Renewable Energy in Pakistan's Energy Security Strategy Under Vision 2025: a Qualitative InquiryRashıd, Athar
2017Unification of Integrable Q-Difference Equations [doctoral Thesis]Soyoğlu, Duygu 
2024Use of Assistive Technologies for People With Visual Impairment: Smart Glove Design for Clothing FieldSüller Zor, Başak 
2020Variations on Structured Sparsity for Machine LearningOktar, Yiğit
2010Volatility Modelling and Forecasting Value-At Evidence From New and Candidate European Union CountriesTunc, Gokce